PROFITsystems, Inc., announed that it held its third Colossal Meeting for PROFITgroups members in Colorado Springs, CO. The meeting, facilitated by Phyllis Zaepfel, Vice President of PROFITgroups, had over 60 attendees representing nearly 30 member companies. This year’s theme for the two day meeting was Thinking about Tomorrow Today - Prospering in the New Economy. Zaepfel commented "the agenda was designed to not only educate the attendees on relevant and timely topics but also serve to rejuvenate and recharge our independently owned home goods retail store members."
The Colossal Meeting brought together five performance groups into one two-day super-sized meeting. Meeting topics included: The 5 Keys to Unlocking a Lifetime of Demand with the Design Trade, Search Engine Optimization, Got Social Media, Get Business Success, What’s New - What’s Next Version 12.0, and more. "Exploration on how to increase profitability, industry insights, and best practices made this year’s Colossal Meeting the most successful one to date," noted Zaepfel. Speakers included: Melissa Galt of Prosper by Design, David Lively of The Lively Merchant, Shelley Parlin, COO of PROFITsystems, Rick Stark, former PROFITsystems CEO and Wayne McMahon, David McMahon and Chris Millet, who are all part of PROFITconsulting.
Each day began with a full breakfast buffet, included a full day of presentations and panels, coupled with a networking lunch. PROFITgroups’ members continued networking with dinner and entertainment on the first evening. "I have learned more about operating a profitable retail furniture company through Colossal than any other meetings or organizational events I have attended. In addition to the educational aspect of these meetings, the contacts you make with like-minded business professionals have become invaluable," stated Mark Kruger, owner of Kelly’s Furniture, Kirksville, MO. Patrick Young, owner of Patrick’s Furniture Mart in Cape Girardeau, MO acknowledged that, "You always come away with many good ideas for both marketing and operations. It is easy to go back and take advantage of each idea that other business have implemented with great success. Stepping outside your store twice a year to meet with other retailers and examine your company, your books, your every aspect of your operation is INVALUBLE to the overall success of your business!"
This fall PROFITgroups will hold individual meetings for each separate group. The agendas for these meetings will have different topics chosen to address the needs of each separate group. Some sessions, such as financial benchmarking, remain consistent for all meetings as this is an important metric used toward improving profitability. For more information on how you can participate in an upcoming meeting contact Phyllis Zaepfel at or call 800.325.2018 for more details.
PROFITsystems is a leading total solutions provider of the home goods industry. Key components of their retail solutions include enterprise software, consulting, performance groups, advanced education, group-buying freight programs, e-commerce, and human resources. PROFITprofessionals’ features include real-time inventory management, customer relations management, and accounting systems. For additional information on PROFITsystems please visit their website at:
Pictured below (left to right): Patrick Young, Patrick’s Furniture Mart in Cape Girardeau, MO and Mark Kruger, owner of Kelly’s Furniture, Kirksville, MO.