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Cory Home Delivery Adds New Clients... Partners With MGM To Service Thomasville Stores

Furniture World News


CORY Home Delivery, one of the largest and oldest specialized home delivery companies in America, continues to grow at a rapid pace. The company is continuing double-digit growth and has added several new clients to its roster. They include Ashley Home Store in Ledgewood, New Jersey and Middletown, New York; Bacon’s Furniture in Port Charlotte, Florida; Broyhill Furniture in Denver, Colorado; Dormia Mattress with stores throughout the Northeast; Drexel Heritage of Boca Raton, Florida and Sterling, Virginia; and Valley Manor Ethan Allen in Miami, Florida. Additionally, CORY is partnering with MGM Transport to provide home delivery service at MGM’s Ridgefield, New Jersey and Eden, North Carolina facilities to service Thomasville Stores throughout Maryland, Virginia and New Jersey, as well as a variety of other clients. The company has also expanded its operations in additional locations with long-time clients. CORY now serves Best Buy stores in Fredericksburg, and Virginia Beach, Virginia; Bears Furniture in Port Charlotte, Florida; Ethan Allen in Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina; Kloss Furniture in St. Louis, Missouri; and Rooms To Go in Greensboro, North Carolina and San Antonio, Texas. “We look forward to partnering with clients in existing operations and serving the growing number of branded franchise stores to offer the highest level of service customers expect and deserve,” says CORY Chairman Joseph Cory, Sr. “Being First Choice for home delivery and warehousing services for the furniture, appliance and consumer electronic retailer is CORY’s goal.” Based in Jersey City, CORY serves markets throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. The company, founded by Joseph Cory in 1934, dispatches a modern fleet of more than 400 customized delivery vehicles daily and operates more than 400,000 square feet of warehouse space. The company’s client list includes many of the top 100 furniture, appliance, and electronics retailers in the nation. For more information, call 201-795-1000 and ask for Patrick Cory, or visit the CORY Home Delivery Service Web site at www.corycompanies.com.