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Furniture World Articles by Ray Morefield

Read Ninety Seconds To Successs Series

Published: 12/10/2013
This 90 Seconds To Success Series article looks at furniture coatings and their impact on the long-term beauty of our products. It will also touch on how sales associates might address some of the health/environmental concerns that relate to the furniture making process.

Read Ninety Seconds To Successs Series

Published: 9/30/2013
Eleven thought-provoking leadership precepts that ensure success.

Read Are You An Absentee Manager?

Published: 7/10/2013
You may be an absentee manager if you aren’t connecting with and mentoring your employees in a meaningful way. Here are tips for applying participative management techniques.

Read Profit Parasites

Published: 5/30/2013
They are rightly named “Profit Parasites”. Like thieves in the night their insatiable appetites silently steal our working capital. Furthermore, they often evade the focus of our time and attention until they have done irreparable damage.

Read Balancing The Scales Of Business In 2013

Published: 4/1/2013
Ten areas to consider when seeking to apply focused management and balanced performance.

Read Resistance To Change At Furniture Retail

Published: 1/10/2013
A major mental construct that has sabotaged many businesses is resistance to change. Ray Morefield takes a look at how companies respond to changing market circumstances.

Read Parallel Performance Furniture Profit Analysis

Published: 12/2/2012
There are many strategies furniture retailers use to involve and motivate employees, but an important and often overlooked one, is to share with them financial information about how your business performance is trending.

Read Attitude Re-adjustment

Published: 9/25/2012
If you are negative about the state of the world and the tone of political discourse, it couldn’t hurt to read Ray Morefield’s latest article.

Read The Merits of “Show & Tell”

Published: 7/12/2012
Sales personnel who fail to explain industry terminology and the unique features that benefit the potential buyer, frequently fall back on price and discounts to close the sale.

Read The Merits of Questions & Answers

Published: 6/6/2012
In this installment of Furniture World’s 90 Seconds To Success Series, Ray Morefield discusses how to listen, when to talk, and the role of persistence in selling furniture at retail.

Read Ninety Seconds To Success Series: Your Biggest Competitor

Published: 4/5/2012
"Who is your biggest competitor?" We answer this question and explain why seemingly small things in the “profession of persuasion” make a significant difference.

Read 90 seconds to $uccess Series - Your Price Is Too High

Published: 3/20/2012
"Your price is too high!" How do we cope with that comment? How do we overcome that objection? What is the most successful response?

Read 90 seconds to $uccess Series: The Impact Of One More Sale Out Of 20.

Published: 12/2/2011
Making perseverance and constant improvement our daily motto, achieving one more sale out of 20 can improve a bottom line as much as 44%. Few investments in your time, interest and energy will provide you a greater return.

Read Ray's Furniture Management Tip #1: How Tough Retail Managers Respond

Published: 5/24/2011
Here are six steps that you should consider to insure that your furniture business continues to survive and remain stable until we see a return to consumer confidence, an easing of credit and a reduction in frequent market fluctuations.