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Lexington Vestiges of our Past

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Looking for the commode nightstand from the discontinued Lexington Vestiges of our Past furniture collection. It is the smaller of the two nightstands that were offered. Top drawer is small and two larger drawers below with braiding on each side.

Posted By Wendy, 10/19/2007

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From Rosemary Lovin, 1/13/2012  8:49 PM

If you still have the Vestiges Nightstand I'm interested.  We live near Charlotte.

From Wendy, 8/3/2011  12:37 AM

I have a Lexington Vestiges Nite Stand 382-624. If anyone is interested please contact me at tcc102002@yahoo.com

From John, 5/1/2011  7:43 PM

I am looking for the lexington Vestiges lingerie chest#382-310.

From Gil, 4/15/2011  7:45 PM

Looking for the Lexington Vestiges King headborad and footboard. I have the Queen and am willing to trade.

From Ivan, 3/6/2011  11:19 AM

I was wondering if someone has a catalog page(s) for Lexington Vestiges bed side table options. I'm looking for one, but unsure what #/style to be asking for. Please email it to me if you have this info. Thanks!

From Travis L. Parker, 2/8/2011  1:44 PM

I am looking for a Vestiges of Our Past Nite Chest - 382-624. Will pay for shipping anywhere in North America.

From Travis L. Parker, 2/8/2011  1:36 PM

I am looking for a Vestiges of our Past Nite Chest - 382-62-1. Please let me know if anyone has availability.

Travis L. Parker
Irving, TX

From Melissa, 1/31/2011  11:41 PM

I am selling the vestiges dining table with 2 leaves and pads, 6 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, china cabinet and hutch. You can contact me at melstc1220@aol.com if interested.

From Erin, 1/28/2011  8:50 PM

I am looking for one nightstand in the Lexington Vestiges Collection. I live in Florida.

From mischell, 1/19/2011  10:06 PM

Lexington vestiges of the past queen bedroom suit dresser mirror night stand tall chest queen headboard footboard and sideboards for sale email me mischelllindsey@aol.com for info.

From julie, 1/15/2011  9:50 PM

I am looking for 2 nightstands from the Lexington Vestige collection. I live near Charlotte, NC

From Nanette, 1/11/2011  8:37 AM

I'd love to find a King size Vestiges Plantation Bed. Would sell Queen size if I can find the King. Live in Florida - will pick up if not tooooo far!

From Judy, 1/10/2011  4:15 PM

I am looking for Vestiges, Mallard Hutch (No.382-855) and 2 Mallard side chairs (382-882) and 2 Mallard Arm Chairs (382-883)   Please contact me at judy_mcgovern@cox.net

From Kim, 1/2/2011  7:55 PM

We are looking for another side table/end table for our vestiges bedroom suit, as well as a King bed if anybody has one for sale. Please contact me at: justtypekim@gmail.com if you have either of these!

From Ashley, 12/12/2010  5:38 PM

I am looking for a nite stand for the vestiges lexington bed room suite. I believe the number is 382-624

From Marsha, 11/23/2010  5:39 PM

I have a Vestiges of Our Past bedroom suite, and I am looking for a nightstand or bedside table. I only bought one, it has a small drawer and two larger drawers.

From dawn, 10/22/2010  2:00 PM

Does anyone know what the value of the King Vestiges bed number 382-134 is? I can't find this bed anywhere on the internet.

From kathy patterson, 9/16/2010  6:50 PM

the vestiges king size bed number is 382 if anyone has one to sell or trade...I have the queen.

From Lori, 9/1/2010  10:48 AM

I am looking for Lexington Mallard side chairs. Does anyone have any for sale?

From Joanna, 8/17/2010  9:06 AM

I have the Vestiges dining chest for sale in the Dallas area. If interested, please contact me at hensley.joannalea@gmail.com.

From Shellie, 7/15/2010  7:46 PM

I am looking for the Lexington vestiges Large Armoir or long dresser.   Please reply with pictures and a price.

From Patricia Martin, 6/10/2010  1:33 PM

Does anyone have the vanity for sale?

From valery, 5/19/2010  3:07 PM

Hi Steve,
Here is my email for you vnovok@yahoo.com

From Valery, 5/19/2010  3:06 PM

Hello Steve,

Could you send me some photos of the items you have. Also include price and where they are located. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.

From Steve, 5/8/2010  8:55 AM

I have a Queen Lexington Vestiges Bed, tall dresser and long dresser with the mirror that I am trying to sell. Let me know if you have an interest.

From Pam, 3/30/2010  9:18 PM

Lexington - Vestiges Collection - I am looking for the dining chest called Melton Hollow. I know it is made by Lexington and is part of the Vestiges of the Past Collection. It looks more like a display chest, but I believe it is called a dining chest - It has glass doors and the wood is dark. Please contact me at pam445@gmail.com

From David, 3/28/2010  6:58 PM

I am looking for the Lexington Vestiges King Bed, I have the Queen. I live in the Dallas Area. Also looking for one Night Stand 382-624. Thank You.

From Lannie, 3/16/2010  8:26 AM

I am looking for the Vestiges single (small) dresser. Would purchase without mirror. 573-356-1628. THANKS!

From Roxanne, 3/6/2010  12:00 AM

I am looking for lexington vestiges nightstands that start with 382. Please contact me at roxannewittwer@gmail.com if you have any for sale. I live in the Los Angeles area. Thank you.

From B. R. Smith, 3/2/2010  5:25 PM


From Dora, 2/5/2010  8:14 AM

Jackie and Pat, I am interested in buying your furniture. Please call or email, 210 565-1939 or 210 379-3650.

Email; dtunches@satx.rr.com or dora.tunches@randolph.af.mil

From David, 1/16/2010  12:55 PM

We have table, 4-side chairs, 2-arm chairs and marble top mint julep server for sale. They are like in like new condition. New house does not have a Formal Dining Room. E-mail if interested: dcmuscat@yahoo.com

From Dodie, 1/13/2010  3:22 PM

Pat, do you still have your mirror.

From J Pryor, 12/20/2009  2:04 PM

i am looking for a Lexington Vestige nightstand. i am in Memphis Tn

From donna, 12/4/2009  12:51 AM

i am looking for a lexington vestiges dresser and mirror
i am in huntsville, alabama

From Dodie, 11/30/2009  4:54 PM

Jackie Peterson, I want to purchase your furniture. Please contact me so we can discuss

From Jennifer Thompson, 11/30/2009  11:42 AM

I bought a queen vestiges bed but now want a king bed. Does anyone out there have a king bed they are willing to sale?

I am also willing to sale my queen bed

From Do, 11/15/2009  7:43 PM

Anyone that has this line of furnitue please reply. I am interested in bedroom pieces.


From Pat, 11/15/2009  12:09 PM

I have a Lexington Vestiges Mirror # 382-206 for sale if anyone is interested. Very nice condition.

From mary, 11/14/2009  11:46 PM

Looking for one Lexington Vestiges nightstand (three drawer commode # 382-621.)

From BARBY SMITH, 11/9/2009  11:23 AM

I am still looking for vestiges of our past side dinning chairs number 382-882. If anyone has them for sale please contact me at zandele@sbcglobal.net Thanks

From Drew, 10/24/2009  11:43 PM

Looking for dresser, two night stands and tall chest for Vestiges in the 382 series. Michigan preferred, but anywhere feasible.
reply ellison1214@verizon.net

From B. R. Smith, 9/28/2009  3:55 PM

Do you still have any of the 6 - Mallard Side Chairs #382-882
   Overall Size 21" x 22", Height 44.5"
   Seat Dimensions 21" x 17.75", Height 18
If so I am interested in purchasing them. e-mail me at zandele@sbcglobal.net with the pictures. Do hope you have some left.

From laurie, 9/25/2009  10:08 PM

Am looking for 2 nightstands and dressers from Vestiges by Lexington. I am very interested in any items in the Midwest in particular. Please email at laurie@journeaux.net

From Keith, 7/27/2009  11:15 AM

I have the Vestiges Queen Bellemont Bed, two marble top nightstands, the Elm Bluff 9 Drawer Dresser with Mirror. Would sell all pcs together or will break up set. Contact me if interested: kgrimaud@bellsouth.net

From Anna, 7/18/2009  9:46 PM

Jackie-- do you still have the nightstand? i am very interested. annabishoprn@yahoo.com

From Michelle Smith, 5/31/2009  9:16 PM

I am looking for Lexington Vestiges Basin Stand, 3-drawer Commode and/or Chair Side Chest w Marble Top. email: michelleandjerrysmith@yahoo.com

From Andrea, 5/29/2009  9:23 PM

Jackie,I am interested in the night stand and dresser w/mirror and chest. Also, I may be interested in the bed. What size is it,and which Vestiges bed is it?


From Tommy, 5/20/2009  9:56 PM

Jackie, Would you sell any of the items separately or only as a set? Also, what size is the bed?

From JACKIE PETERSON, 5/19/2009  12:02 PM

I have a Lexington Vestiges of our Past bedroom suit for sale which includes an armorie, night stand, bed , chest of drawers and dresser with mirror. Very nice!!!! I paid a lot of money for this set, great condition!!!

From Alison, 5/12/2009  1:13 AM

I'm looking for the Double dresser, Landscape mirror and Slipper Chest that is in the Lexington Vestiges collection. If anyone can help , please email me at alisonr@etigers.net. Thanks :)

From Dawn, 4/30/2009  10:00 AM

I am also looking for Lexington Vestiges commodes. Have you located any? Where would you suggest I look?

Thank you!

From kim, 1/29/2009  10:10 PM

need to buy 2 lexington vestiges nightstands. Please email me at kimrich1@aol.com

From Craig, 12/30/2008  12:48 AM

I SOLD all of my bedroom set. Thanks for all of your interest!

From Craig, 12/3/2008  11:16 PM

I have a Lexington Vestiges of the Past dresser with mirror No. 382-236 Door Triple Dressor Base (2 doors, 11 drawers 68" wide), No. 382-206 Landscape mirror (for dresser). Someone else, I think from this post, has committed to buying the rest of my set, King bed and nightstand, so I am trying to make the deal whole by finding a buyer for the dresser. My email is daaboss@msn.com

From Margaret, 11/22/2008  6:13 PM

I am looking for any Vestiges Pieces of bedroom furniture. If you have any, please email me at mkellyduffy@cox.net

Thank you!

From Susanne, 11/22/2008  11:39 AM

I am looking for a Lexington Vestiges end table (if there is a such thing) I have the Vestiges bedroom suite and need a small table for the sitting area of the bedroom.

Also does anyone have a picture of all the pieces that were in the bedroom set?


From Jana, 11/14/2008  8:17 PM

I would like to find a Lexington Furniture (Planation) King Size mahogany bed. If anyone has one for sale, please let me be the first to know. Have the queen, but need more space! jazpell@kc.rr.com

From Candy, 11/14/2008  11:27 AM

I am looking for the Lexington "Vestiges" Dresser and chest. Please contact me at candymrn@aol.com.

From Shari, 11/10/2008  10:18 AM

I am also looking for a King bed and nightstand. I have one 3-drawer nightstand #352-621 and would like to have a matching set. Please email me if you have any of these items. sfrontz@sc.rr.com

From Jessica, 10/21/2008  12:42 PM

I am interested in purchasing a nightstand and a king size bed from the vestiges of our past collection. I have been looking for almost 2 years. VERY VERY interested. Please email if anyone has these items for sale.

From Lisa, 9/30/2008  12:00 AM

I am also looking for the lexington king I bought a set with a queen because I liked the dresser, chest and 2 nightstands but I would love to know if I could get a eastern king frame. Willing to trade my queen for king.


From Angela, 9/13/2008  9:39 PM

I am looking for the King size of the Lexington Vestiges headboard/footboard and rails.

From Heidi, 9/6/2008  12:42 AM

I have the Lexington Vestiges Large Dresser w/Mirror for sale. Northern California. :)

From Eleanor, 8/26/2008  9:29 PM

Cyndy, if you still have the nite chests I would be interested. Have the brochure and can't seem to find a piece with the 970 number - all start with 382. Please let me know if you still have them.

From Linda, 8/6/2008  10:08 PM

I am selling my Lexington Vestiges of the Past Series 382 Complete Dining Room Set in Dallas, Texas. This includes:

1 - Rectangular Dining Table #382-874
    Overall Size is 70" x 44", Height 30"
    Extends to 102" with 2-15" Leaves

6 - Mallard Side Chairs #382-882
   Overall Size 21" x 22", Height 44.5"
   Seat Dimensions 21" x 17.75", Height 18

2 - Mallard Arm Chairs #382-883
   Overall Size 23" x 22", Height 44.5"
   Seat Dimensions 20.5" x 17.75", Height 18

1 - Mallard Buffet
   2 Doors, 3 Drawers (1 Felt-Lined and divided for Silver),
   2 Adjustable Shelves
   Overall Size 68” x 18”, Height 30.5”

1 - Mallard Hutch #382-855 (place on top of Mallard Buffet)
   4 Glass Doors with Wood Grills,
   2 Adjustable Glass Shelves,
   2 Grooves in Back for Plates,
   Mirrored Back, Lighted Interior,Glass Ends
   Overall Size 70.5” x 19.5”, Height 60.5”

All pieces are in good condition and from a smoke-free home. Pickup only. Email me for pictures or additional details.


From Wendy Motes, 7/28/2008  12:01 PM

Message to Cyndy Blackwell. Please advise if you still have the Vestigaes pieces available.

Wendy Motes

From Carlene, 7/11/2008  8:14 PM

This is for Cyndy. I am very interested in your king size bed from the Lexington collection. I would like to have more information. Thanks.

From Wendy, 7/11/2008  11:31 AM

If they are still available, I am very interested in the night chests. Please send an asking price for those 2 pieces. Would you send any info you have on the dining pieces you have also.

From Wendy, 7/9/2008  11:55 AM

Cyndy: I am in the New Orleans area and would be interested in the 2 nightstands. Would you e mail me regarding your asking price?

From Cyndy Blackwell, 7/3/2008  4:08 PM

I have 2 Lexington Vestiges of Our Past Nite Chests, #970121, which sound like what you are looking for. I also have the King bed with the high headboard and low footboard, the dresser and the mirror. I live in Miami, Florida. Not sure where you are. (I also have the dining room table and china cabinet from Vestiges collection.)

From Wendy, 2/15/2008  12:07 PM

Yes you did and you sent photos to me also and the tables you have are not what I am looking for. Thanks for your help.


From Lindys Furniture, 2/15/2008  11:59 AM


Did we email yet on the Lexington Vestiges tables?

I do still have them.


From Wendy, 10/22/2007  4:23 PM

Yes. I would be interested. Would you please provide me with the pieces included in the set you have if you are able and can you provide the prices of those items you have.


From Lindys Furniture, 10/22/2007  3:07 PM

Could you use any of the Lexington Vestiges end tables and marble cocktail table?   We have a complete set if you are interested.

