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Furniture Store Ad Tip #16 From TruckSkin: Holiday Promotions

Furniture World News Desk on 10/30/2012

Jordan White

While the winds of Fall are getting colder our thoughts start focusing on the upcoming holiday season. It’s not too early to start your marketing for those holiday dollars. Because for most retailers money is tight this year, your offerings need to be just that more enticing. Make sure you are using every bit of your advertising opportunities to get those customers into your store. Window graphics, delivery truck graphics and outdoor signage is key. There is also an additional avenue you can take.

A great way to get them to come in is to offer custom items that your competition doesn’t. These don’t have to be big ticket items, but small inexpensive custom items that they won’t see anywhere else. Think about giving your good customers a custom etched bottle of wine with their name on it. Custom holiday ornaments, and custom engraved mugs and glassware are also a great items to offer.

These small items can make a big difference when people are deciding where to shop.

These types of items also make great gifts for your hard working staff, who are your ambassadors out in the world. Remember, if they aren’t happy or don’t feel appreciated at work you can bet their friends all know it and won’t support your business. So take care of your staff and show them you really do appreciate what they do for you all year. So this year, don’t forget the small stuff to make a big difference to your staff and your customers.


These types of customized items also make great gifts for your hard working staff, who are your ambassadors out in the world. Remember, if they aren’t happy or don’t feel appreciated at work you can bet their friends all know it and won’t support your business. So take care of your staff and show them you really do appreciate what they do for you all year. So this year, don’t forget the small stuff to make a big difference to your staff and your customers. For more informaiton on gifts like these contact jordan@truckskin.com.

These weekly "Furniture Store Graphics Tips" are written by Jordan White, Marketing Manager for TruckSkin, LLC, a company that tells furniture retailers' stories in a big way with high resolution, seamless graphics (also etched glass gifts) that provide cost effective marketing exposure. For more information contact TruckSkin Fleet Graphic Solutions, Toll Free: 1–877–866–7546, Phone: 231–932–0286, jordan@truckskin.com or visit www.truckskin.com.
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