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Leading Retail CEOs, Strategists and Innovators Insight Big Ideas at San Francisco Summit

Furniture World News Desk on 3/2/2023

The Terry J. Lundgren Center for Retailing at the University of Arizona announced its program for its 27th Annual Global Retailing Ideas Summit on March 16 at the InterContinental Hotel in San Francisco.


With the theme “What’s Next – Retailing after the Pandemic”, the speakers will address many critical and timely topics facing the retailing industry. These include how consumers are behaving post-pandemic, how successful founders have evolved their businesses over the past several years, what is in store for the retail real estate market and many others. This is the first time the event has been held outside of Tucson in a key retailing market in the country.


Terry J. Lundgren, CEO and Chairman of the Board, retired of Macy’s, headlines this event. “With the pace of change in the industry accelerating and adapting due to many challenges – not least of which the pandemic – successful retailers are those who can evolve. They are creating and implementing new ways of serving consumer needs, presenting brands where consumers want to engage, acquiring and developing talent and delivering convenience and value in ways that are revolutionizing business practices,” Lundgren said.


Hosting this event in San Francisco presents an incredible opportunity to share these insights from very successful leaders in a way it has not done before. San Francisco is a leading market for retailing with many top brand headquarters, a thriving startup environment and leading retail technology companies. “We wanted to come to this market; share these insights directly in such an important geography for this industry. And, we wanted to expose our top-rated retailing students to all the opportunities this area presents them in their careers. We want them to be a part of this conversation too.”

Speakers for the event include:

  • Terry J. Lundgren, Macy’s, Inc. Chairman and CEO, Retired
  •  Chip Bergh, CEO of Levi Strauss & Co.
  • Heidi Zak, ThirdLove, Co-Founder& CEO
  • Shawn Nelson, Lovesac, Founder & CEO
  • Joe Kudla, Vuori Clothing, Founder & CEO
  • Stuart Landesberg, Grove Collaborative, Co-Founder & CEO
  • Sarah Quinlan, Managing Director and Founder, SAQ Economic Advisory LLC
  • Todd Caruso, Retail-Americas, CBRE, Senior Managing Director
  • Matthew Shay, President of the National Retail Federation
  • Jamie Uitdenhowen, Toys “R”US @ WHP Global, Executive Vice President
  • Kim Miller, Toys “R” Us @ WHP Global, Chief Marketing Officer

Details on the summit are posted on www.gr-ideas.com.


The Global Retailing Ideas Summit is presented through the support of sponsors that include Macy’s Inc., SAP, Surefront, Supima, Leonisa, Winston Retail and Visit Tucson.


For more information and to RSVP, visit www.gr-ideas.com. Registrations for a limited number of attendees are currently being accepted.




About The Terry J. Lundgren Center for Retailing

The Terry J. Lundgren Center for Retailing is part of the Norton School of Human Ecology within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Arizona. It brings together the resources and expertise of academia and the retail industry, with a shared goal of developing strong future retail professionals and leaders. The school’s Retailing and Consumer Sciences program undergraduate degree is considered one of the top retail business programs in the country.