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Social Media Room - Part 4: Find Room For Twitter in your Customer Service Mix

Furniture World News Desk on 9/28/2013

  Smart furniture companies actively monitor Twitter for both positive and negative tweets about their products and services. That allows them to respond to the tweets in real time, address issues and enhance their brand reputation for responsiveness.

By Mary Lou Denny, Executive Vice President
Walt Denny Inc.

Today’s customers are increasingly comfortable in the digital world. So most don’t think twice about using Twitter to research furniture and home furnishings purchase decisions, as well as to tweet their views, both pro and con, about products and services. For savvy companies, that makes Twitter a powerful "customer service" tool.

Latest Twitter Facts:

• 554,750,000 worldwide users, with another 135,000 signing up each day.
• More than ½ million new tweets generated per hour (24/7)
• 2.1 billion new search queries every day
• 20% of all tweets mention a product or service.
• 62% of respondents share their views online if very happy with a product, service or brand.

What does this mean for you? If customers are tweeting to proclaim satisfaction with your product or service, they become your best brand emissaries. And negative tweets can be turned into positive buzz when you use Twitter to quickly resolve a customer’s issue.

Twitter is also great at gaining almost instant feedback. A recent study found 41% expected fast response, either immediately (22%) or within an hour (19%). Here are some keys to using Twitter to make your customer service even more attentive:
  • Have a consistent process for how your employees monitor Twitter comments, choose tweets that require responses, address concerns, and follow up to deliver customer satisfaction.

  • Offer the human touch. Use everyday language rather than corporate speak in Tweets.

  • Move to other channels. It’s unlikely you’ll resolve every issue in Twitter. Find the right time to shift from Twitter to your online support desk or a telephone conversation.
Using Twitter as a customer service tool can help defuse potential problems and enhance your company’s brand image. For more on making Twitter work for you, contact Walt Denny Inc. at 708-246-4211, email walt@waltdenny.com or visit www.waltdenny.com.

Since its founding in 1989, Walt Denny Inc., a full service public relations and advertising agency, has been The Home Products Agency, working with a national client base and building each organization’s positive brand awareness through bold results and individualized strategies. Client experience includes industry-leading organizations such as Whirlpool, KitchenAid, HomeCrest Cabinetry, Knauf Insulation, The Tapco Group, Johnson Hardware, Amerock, a division of Newell-Rubbermaid and Leaders Bank. Follow us on twitter, @waltdennyinc., or Like us on facebook.com/WaltDennyInc.
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