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Easy Furniture Web Tip #363: Use Hidden Talents in Your Marketing

Furniture World News Desk on 1/30/2025

I can type numbers on the keyboard without looking. Really fast.

 I don’t mean an adding machine, though I can do that one-handed, too.

I mean the numbers that run horizontally across the top of a regular keyboard.

I can type 537-381-92381-6408946 super fast, without looking.

It’s a hidden talent. No one knows I have it. No one.

It’s not the kind of thing you talk about.

Yet, whenever I have the occasion to type numbers, like a credit card number or password, I privately take pride in it.

How did I learn to do this? It wasn’t in my high school typing class (Yes, I’m that old.) It was when I had a temporary job as a a a typist in the bowels of a huge corporation selling its stocks. 

My job was to type long serial numbers on stock certificates. Accurately. For hours!

We had a stern woman overseeing the rows of desks and clacking typewriters. No phones were allowed on our desks. If we needed to make or take a personal call, we had to go to the front of the room and use the phone there, all the while SHE glared at us. It was scary.

So what does this have to do with web marketing? Not much, really.


Each of us in our businesses has hidden talents, hidden strengths. I used mine to come up with this cute tip article for my readers.

With a little thought and creativity, I bet you can find a way to harness a hidden talent of yours.

Easy Furniture Web Tip 363: Think of your hidden talents and then marshall them for your marketing. 



Katherine Andes specializes in web content development and SEO — including page customization for storefront and franchise websites. Visit BetterWebSales.com or phone her at (559) 309-2940.