Social Media Room - Part 7: Take Steps to Ensure Your Website Landing Page Gets Results
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By Mary Lou Denny, Executive Vice President
Walt Denny Inc.

Landing Pages must give visitors the sense your company has what they need, while convincing them quickly to take action.
When people click on an online furniture ad or a link in an article, or use their smart phone to capture a QR code on a poster or sign at a home furnishings store, they’re frequently delivered to a special Website Landing Page that offers information referenced in the ad, article or store POP (Point-of-purchase) display.
Website landing pages are faster and more user-friendly because they don’t have to begin at the home page and then navigate through the website to the information needed. For this reason, some companies have multiple Landing Pages.
Because it’s the first thing they see, Landing Pages must give visitors the sense your company has what they need, while convincing them quickly to take action. To accomplish these goals, your Landing Page should:
- Command visitors’ attention
- Explain how your company is different from competitors
- Provide clear benefits as to why that visitor should buy from you
- Demonstrate how your product or service will solve their problem or fill a need.
In addition, your Landing Page can’t be too “busy”. Your singular objective must be to move visitors
toward conversion by motivating them to take immediate action – whether providing contact information or requesting a sales call – and making it easy by offering a link or a button to click on.
An effective Landing Page should also promote trust and credibility. Note how
99 Designs’ Landing Page builds credibility with figures. Some Landing Pages offer testimonials, published articles or cite Facebook friends.
Some additional considerations for maximizing Landing Page effectiveness:
- Use contrasting colors. Visitors quickly scan Landing Pages “foraging” for needed information. Place information you want them to see in contrasting colors.
- Brand your page. Place your company logo in the same prominent position on all landing pages. Don’t overwhelm your key message.
- Reduce images. Too many images can detract from your message and delay page-loading time. Studies show even a one-second delay in the time your Landing Page takes to load results in seven percent fewer conversions.
For more on building effective Website Landing Pages, contact Walt Denny Inc. at 708-246-4211, email or visit
Since its founding in 1989, Walt Denny Inc., a full service public relations and advertising agency, has been The Home Products Agency, working with a national client base and building each organization’s positive brand awareness through bold results and individualized strategies. Client experience includes industry-leading organizations such as Whirlpool, KitchenAid, HomeCrest Cabinetry, Knauf Insulation, The Tapco Group, Johnson Hardware, Amerock, a division of Newell-Rubbermaid and Leaders Bank. Follow us on twitter @waltdennyinc, join us on LinkedIn or like us on
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