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Love Furniture Profits Tip: We Must ‘Serve’ Our Clients In Order To Sell Them

Furniture World News Desk on 9/14/2014

By David Love
Love Furniture Profits

“All good selling is serving.” Clyde Bedell

Advertising genius and pioneer, Clyde Bedell, lived and worked by this principle.

I have to give Clyde, and son Barrie (an advertising genius in his own right) full credit for my successful sales and advertising career. Everything I do today is based on the principles I learned from Clyde and Barrie. I've made them my own.

They can apply to everything we do, but here we talk about advertising.

Do your ads serve in order to sell? Every store in the world talks about service. But, if ‘service’ is so important to the success of your store, why doesn’t your advertising serve your clients?

A hot prospect, one who just has to have a new mattress, sofa, etc., today, will respond to just about any ad. If your ads appeal only to these people, you're leaving $$$ tens of thousands on the table.
What about the just warm prospect? One who is just thinking of maybe, someday getting that new sofa? A good ad, written with her interests in mind, will also attract that person. It will put the idea in her head. Plant the seed.

How to you ‘serve’ her in your ads? By giving her information by which she can make a decision to at least come to your store. By showing her more than just a pretty picture and a price. By telling the size of the sofa. By telling her the colors you stock it in. The type of fabric. If it’s case goods, by telling her the woods and finishes that are available. How long is the dresser. How many leaves, and what size, come with the dining table. I could go on and on but you get the idea.

Let’s say your ad features a dining set priced at $999, with no other information. The store across town advertises one that looks about the same, but is priced at $799. Where to you think she’ll go? In her mind, without additional information to go on, they are the same.

One additional benefit you get by running ads with information, is that you stand out from all your competition, which is doing none of this.

If you’d like to see an ad which serves in order to sell, send me an email with ‘Serve’ in the subject line.
These little weekly articles can only scratch the surface. To find out more, get your free copy ($97, but free to any furniture or mattress store) of my breakthrough Special Report, “5 Long Lost Secrets of Scientific Furniture and Mattress Advertising that work like magic in today’s economy for any furniture or mattress store to get you more customers, more sales, more profits.” Go right now to www.lovefurnitureprofits.com. David can be reached at david@lovefurnitureprofits.com. Phone: 803.764.3977.

Do you have an marketing frustration you’d like me to address? Shoot me an email and I’ll talk about it in a future article.

About David Love and Love Furniture Profits. Love Furniture Profits is an advertising consulting and coaching firm that shows retailers how to get more traffic, more and higher ticket sales and more profits using long-lost scientific advertising secrets unknown by about 99% of all of today’s retailers.

David is a 41 year furniture/mattress, in the trenches, industry veteran. His background includes retail furniture sales. Manager of a retail furniture store. 22 years on the road making money for companies like Sealy Mattress and Best Chairs. His territory and his retailers achieved sometimes remarkable sales increases due to the expert advertising and sales advice he gave. He has also owned and sold his own profitable store and was a highly regarded sales manager of a top 100 furniture store.
Advertising That Sells

Articles in Advertising That Sells