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Love Furniture Profits Tip: 5 Marketing Secrets You Can Profit From (Secret Tip #3)

Furniture World News Desk on 11/30/2014

By David Love
Love Furniture Profits

When I was manager of a small Mom and Pop store back in the early 1980s I was perplexed. I had made a sale to a customer who had never shopped at our store before. As I recall, she bought a sofa, recliner and a couple of end tables. A nice sale. She said she also needed, at some point, to upgrade her bedroom. I was thinking, “Boy, another nice sale sometime in the future.”

Know what? I never saw her again. Why I wondered. Why does someone who makes a purchase, likes what they bought, likes you, likes your store, never come back. I think the rest of this article will explain.
Last week I gave you reasons why people stop doing business with us. There are only four possible reasons according to Database Marketing Institute.

1. They die (My note: or move away)
2. They are unhappy with the price
3. They are unhappy with the product
4. They are unhappy with the way that they are treated.

I believe there’s a deeper, underlying reason they left. I believe they didn’t feel important, or communicated with or where not continually offered something “NEW.” In short, they were taken for granted. I assumed that lady would come back but she did not.

When I learned the power of continuous contact with my prospects and customers, it changed everything. In that store where I was Manager, and later in my own store, it was the difference between making it and not making it.

According to Marketing Metrics and reported in Home Furnishings Business, the probability of selling to a new prospect is just 5 – 20%. There’s a 60 – 70% probability of selling the customers you already have.
Businesses which are the most successful today are those who have a System to continually show their customers how much they are appreciated and how much they want their continued business. With today’s technology, there’s no excuse for any store not to do so. But, you have to make a commitment to do it and task someone to do it. And, follow up to be sure it’s being done.

To be revealed next week. Unknown Secret #4.

Get your $97 (but free to you) Special Report. “5 Long Lost Secrets of Scientific Furniture and Mattress Advertising that work like magic in today’s economy to get you more customers, more sales, more profits.” Go to www.lovefurnitureprofits.com. David can be reached at david@lovefurnitureprofits.com. Phone: 803.764.3977. 

About David Love and Love Furniture Profits. Love Furniture Profits is an advertising consulting and coaching firm that works with smaller to medium size furniture and mattress stores that want better results from their advertising.

David is a 42 year furniture/mattress, in the trenches, industry veteran. His background includes retail furniture sales. Manager of a retail furniture store. 22 years on the road making money for companies like Sealy Mattress and Best Chairs. His territory and his retailers achieved sometimes remarkable sales increases due to the expert advertising and sales advice he gave. He has also owned and sold his own profitable store and was a highly regarded sales manager of a top 100 furniture store.
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