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Help Your Customers Age Gracefully: Tip #5 - Baby Boomers & Their Furniture Needs

Furniture World News Desk on 5/21/2012

“The nation’s elderly population will more than double in size from 2005 through 2050, as the baby boom generation enters the traditional retirement years.” – Pew Research Center

Every generation has different home furnishing needs. But most retailers do not consider specifically targeting the aging Baby Boomers. With that being said, I am here to tell you that there is a tremendous opportunity for retailers to target this growing population!

It is common sense to think that this group does not have as many furniture needs. Most often when you think of aging populations you think of downsizing and simplifying. The common thought is that this generation has spent decades gathering furniture and the last thing they are looking to do is buy more… but this is where retailers are missing the boat!

As this generation ages their needs will change and the pieces of furniture that were sufficient before may not still suffice. Stay tuned for next week we will show you how to identify what this target market’s new needs may be…

Aging Gracefully Home Furnishing Ideas are brought to you by Mega Motion (www.MegaPowerLift.com), Power Recline with Lift Chairs, to meet the health needs of America’s aging Baby Boomers. For a free report “The Biggest Untapped Furniture Market Most Retailers Do Not Sell … And the Number One Drop Dead Simple Strategy to Cash In On It” please email brcmenterprises@gmail.com.
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