Furniture Store Graphics Tip #3 From TruckSkin: Strategic Parking is the Key!
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Jordan White
So you have your graphics on your truck, and it looks awesome. So why are you parking it tucked back behind your store? Park strategically! Use your truck for more then just deliveries. When it’s not being driven, park your truck out at the road so it can easily be seen by customers who are looking for your store. Your truck is not just a tool, it’s a huge billboard for your store, don’t forget that.
Think about other local places you want to market in, not only your parking lot. Park it in a visible spot at a busy corner in town, right out in front of your big local hardware store, electronics store or a busy grocery store. Use for marketing during events such as conventions, concerts, and sports events. Donate the use of your truck to your local Boy Scouts, High School Band, Church or other groups to use for their events. Shhh…you can even park it near your competition. Your truck is a big billboard (that you already own by the way!), park it in the most visible place for your customers to see it. Where do you your customers shop? Get your truck right out in front of that location. Park it in different spots around town each week for the maximum reach.
Name recognition is vital for your marketing efforts. The more your potential customers see your name, the more likely they are to think of you when looking for the products or services you sell. Make your vehicle advertising investment work even harder. This is a great opportunity to get your advertisement in front of hundreds of prospective customers even when you’re not using your truck. Use your truck even when you’re not “using” it.
Don't just park your trucks outside your store or by your warehouse.
These weekly "Outdoor Advertising Tips" are written by Jordan White, Marketing Manager for TruckSkin, LLC, a company that tells furniture retailers' stories in a big way with high resolution, seamless graphics that provide cost effective marketing exposure. For more information contact TruckSkin Fleet Graphic Solutions, Toll Free: 1–877–866–7546, Phone: 231–932–0286, or visit
Donate the use of your truck to your local Boy Scouts,
High School Band, Church or other groups to use for their events.
OK, the trucks shown above and below aren't out for furniture delivery,
but if your truck graphics are cool and inviting, or have a powerful message,
why not park them where they get the most attention from prospective
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