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Furniture Store Graphics Tip #4 From TruckSkin: Image is Everything…

Furniture World News Desk on 6/18/2012

Jordan White

Your delivery truck is a dual-purpose investment. You should always keep in mind that It not only delivers goods but it also delivers your message.

Take a step back and look at your truck as your customers see it.  
  • Does it have any identifying graphics? If so, are they old and faded, are the letters peeling off?
  • Do your delivery personnel look professional? Would you feel comfortable letting them in your house? 

 It is always important to keep your delivery truck clean and looking sharp, and your delivery personnel looking professional. Remember, your delivery crew are the last company representatives of your customers see, and they can make the difference between shopping you again, or going to your competition.

Your customers make a big investment when they buy furniture from you. They put their trust in you and your company. If their eagerly anticipated furniture shows up in a shabby looking truck, with delivery guys that look like they just rolled out of bed, what image does that project about the quality of your products and service? You may have top quality products, but if they are delivered in mediocre style, it negatively impacts your customers' perceptions of you and your company.

Image is everything. Your truck exposes your message to the public 24 hours a day. A well-branded truck has more impact because consumers will retain your brand name and message over your competition.

Make a minimal one-time investment in sharp graphics for your trucks, and company shirts for your delivery staff. A branded delivery truck enables your staff to become positive and professional looking ambassadors for your company. This will help them to  feel much more comfortable and confident that they bought from a quality company. The result will be customers who are happier with their purchase and more likely to recommend your company to their family and friends.

These weekly "Outdoor Advertising Tips" are written by Jordan White, Marketing Manager for TruckSkin, LLC, a company that tells furniture retailers' stories in a big way with high resolution, seamless graphics that provide cost effective marketing exposure. For more information contact TruckSkin Fleet Graphic Solutions, Toll Free: 1–877–866–7546, Phone: 231–932–0286, jordan@truckskin.com or visit www.truckskin.com

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