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75th IHFRA Presidential Gala and Awards Ceremony To Be Held In High Point

Furniture World Magazine


The International Home Furnishings Representatives Association will hold its 75th annual Presidential Gala and Awards Ceremony at the IHFC Ballroom on Friday, April 24, 2009.  Highlighting the evening will be the installation of Ed Myers as IHFRA’s 71st President. 

Ed Myers is a member of the Tri-State Home Furnishings Association where he has served as Past President and Chairman of the Chapter.  He is currently serving on the Tri-State Board of Directors.  Ed resides in Media, Pennsylvania and has been a Broyhill representative for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland territories since 2000.  Prior to becoming a sales representative for Broyhill, Ed had an extensive career in furniture retail. 

Myers is joined on the Executive Committee by 1st Vice President Sandy Dant CHR of HFRG of Southern California, 2nd Vice President Mark Scharff CHR of MFA of New Jersey, Secretary/Treasurer Mike Root an IHFRA At-Large member, and Chairman of the Board Jim Craven CHR of the Tennessee Furniture Travelers. 

In addition to the installation of officers, the Rudy Steltemeir Award for 2009 will be presented to Michael More of the Midwest Furniture Club.  The award is presented to an IHFRA member in good standing who has demonstrated the qualities of outstanding service to fellow representatives exemplified by Rudy Steltemeier.  Michael has been a long-time member of IHFRA serving in many capacities on the Board of Directors of the Midwest Furniture Club as well as remaining a cornerstone supporter of the Midwest Members Guide.  Michael has spearheaded efforts to build a local furniture show in the Chicago area.  The show is held each August and has grown from a 25,000 square foot show with 80 dealers to a 45,000 square foot show for 2009.  This furniture show has allowed the Midwest Furniture Club to expand their presence in the Chicago furniture industry and has expanded membership in the Midwest Furniture Club. 

Chapter of the Year Award will be presented for the second year in a row to the Midwest Furniture Club.  The Midwest Furniture Club has continued to increase its membership through very successful membership drives in December and January.  Last year the Bill Krause golf outing, holiday dinner, Midwest Furniture Show and other Chapter activities raised thousands of dollars for local charities, as well as charities supported by their retail partners.   

The Charles B. Costar Dean of IHFRA Award recognizes quality of service and dedication to IHFRA and its chapters and in addition the recipient has set an outstanding example for others to follow.  Recipients of this award for 2009 are: 

  • Neil Anderson Sr., CHR, Virginia/Carolinas Home Furnishings Representatives Association
  • Randy Bowlden, Georgia HFA
  • Terry Clemens, HFR of Michigan
  • Gary Diamond, Tri-State Home Furnishings Association
  • Neil Friedman, HFRG of Southern California
  • Andy Gans, CHR, Greater New York Home Furnishings Association
  • Vonica Tamney, CHR, Florida Home Furnishings Association
  • Ted Weisbach, Midwest Furniture Club 

The gala begins at 6 p.m. at the IHFC Ballroom on the 11th Floor of the Green Wing.  Cocktails are sponsored by the Furniture Transport Group.  Dinner begins at 7 p.m. with awards following.  Tickets are $60/person.  For further information contact the IHFRA Office at 336-889-3920 or e-mail ihfra@ihfra.org.