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Berkline Unveils Thee-Tiered Dealer Ordering System

Furniture World Magazine


Berkline announced that it has introduced a new three-tiered program that gives dealers more cost-saving ordering flexibility and speed of product delivery than ever before.

“We call this program ‘FLO,’ for Fast ship, Limitless options and Overseas containers,” said Gray Hunsucker, Berkline vice president of sales. “This system enables dealers to flow products in a variety of ways to help meet their needs and to respond to customers based on delivery time, styles and price points.”

FLO has been in operation for several months and the results have proven its worth, says Bruce Sinning, Berkline merchandising vice president.

“We developed FLO because it is a significant advantage for dealers who are working within a challenging economic climate,” Sinning said. “With FLO, dealers enjoy a greater gross margin return on investment (GMROI) because there is less cost and overhead; they can order an item for a customer and deliver it without warehouse costs.”

The three components of FLO are:

Fast Ship: This method provides the fastest delivery, within three days of the order being placed on a limited number of styles of recliners, sofas and home theater groups. This warehouse program stocks Berkline’s best-selling imported styles and covers.

Limitless options: The key is customization of product coupled with fast delivery: customers can order from all styles, covers, fabrics, leathers and colors in the Berkline motion inventory and the product is ready to ship in 21 days. This component offers more reclining options than any other warehouse or import program. With quick delivery and custom orders all available with three-week delivery, Limitless Options minimizes the need for dealers to buy and warehouse large quantities of goods.

Overseas containers: Dealers get the best price points by ordering an entire container of goods. Delivery times for container delivery run from six to eight weeks. More styles are available than through Fast Ship, but not as many as Limitless Options. The
program is designed around Berkline’s best-selling styles; lower price points are achieved by buying in volume.

“FLO is the most comprehensive program of its kind in the industry; it gives dealers an exceptional range of options to serve their customers,” Hunsucker said. “Even the container program contributes to GMROI through the reduced costs of the styles.”

Sinning said that FLO is a continuation of Berkline’s aggressive efforts to support dealers.

“Berkline continuously looks for ways to make ordering and delivery more convenient and profitable for dealers,” he said. “FLO is a program we are proud to offer dealers and we look forward to excellent results.” 
About Berkline

Berkline has been a leading manufacturer of reclining furniture for more than 75 years. Berkline specializes in motion, home theater, and upholstered furnishings. The company’s headquarters is in Morristown, TN. For more information about Berkline and its products, visit www.berkline.com.