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Customized At-Retail Broadcasting Service To Debut

Furniture World Magazine


American Media Services Interactive (AMSi) announced the launch of StorecastingTM, a customizable audio content platform for retail or corporate environments. With the ability to engage and deliver marketing messages to customers in a nonintrusive manner directly at point of sale, StorecastingTM they say, creates high value with low operational cost.

“Knowing that 75% of buying decisions are made once a shopper is in the store, the need to engage customers, alert them to new products, special offers and imprint and brand a unique shopping experience has never been more relevant. ” said Charles Andrew Whatley, president of AMSi.   With 200 different channels of music content or completely customized music formats from which to choose, AMSi’s StorecastingTM is instantly available for deployment to match any environment.  “All of our existing or customized content can be delivered to each of a businesses’ or retailer’s locations with custom branding and marketing announcements,” continues Whatley.  StorecastingTM includes an easy to employ tool set for use from few locations up to thousands of locations.  

All messaging and branding frequency are controlled by the user and can include internal marketing messages or revenue producing third party messages.  The AMSi team will work with marketing departments to strategize best practices for packaging, pricing and presenting.  “Using our recommended model for third party marketing, can liquidate the expense,” said Melissa Rapp, VP Sales for AMSi.  “In fact, StorecastingTM- can create a profit center for the retailer or business.”  The content for AMSi’s StorecastingTM is delivered via IP through the customer’s internet connection and utilizes a proprietary internet receiver provided by AMSi.   

For more information about StorecastingTM or the services of American Media Services Interactive, contact Charles Andrew Whatley at 888-697-6630.

About AMSi American Media Services Interactive, LLC, launched by the founders of American Media Services, LLC, is a digital media firm whose services include leading edge solutions for emerging media, engagement strategies for audio/video streaming, customized and branded music channels, HD radio formats, content management systems, custom application development, website programming and design and corporate/retail StorecastingTM at point-of-purchase. Visit www.amsinteractive.com