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WithIt Shares Expertise and Advice

Furniture World Magazine


Women in the Home Industries (WithIt) announced the introduction of its “Curbside Mentoring Program” to the organization’s annual professional conference lineup, allowing attendees to register for individual meetings with 10 industry leaders, each offering guidance and advice specific to their experience and expertise.

During the 2009 WithIt event entitled “Women Doing Business: Thought Leaders, Creative Innovators and Influencers,” held August 11 – 13 at the Embassy Suites, Charlotte-Concord, in North Carolina, the following leaders and their topics will be accessible for the cost of $50 per 45-minute session:

Jana Platina-Phipps, Home Couture Collective: “Life/Work Balance: Define Your Priorities and Set Your Boundaries” Are you too busy to be successful? How can changing your calendar change your life?

Jerry Cohen, Cohen, Tauber, Spievack & Wagner P.C.: “Ask an Attorney: Answers on Business Laws and How They Affect You” Legal issues can make or break a business. Are you prepared and protected?

Sara Lyke, WithIt, Inc.: “Resume Review: Bring Your Resume for a Professional Polishing!” Need experienced eyes to freshen up your resume? What to include or not include to get you through the door.
Mary Eitel, MKE Communications: “You Are the Brand: Establishing Your Personal Brand” What sets you apart from your peers? How can you better convey your unique qualities in a way that helps your career?

Leslie Carothers, The Kaleidoscope Partnership: “A Hands-On Approach to Social Networking - Getting Started Without Wasting Time or Money” Is your business sending the right message online? Is it sending no message online? What are you waiting for?

Connie Post, The Connie Post Companies: “Be Paid What You're Worth - Establish Your Value and Get It!” How much are you really worth? What’s holding you back from asking for your true value?

Stephanie Lowder, Rare Bird Creative: “Writing to Further Your Career Path: Your 3-Minute Intro, Your Professional Bio and Your Elevator Speech” Ever watched someone capture the attention of the group with their compelling story? Wish you could do that?

Libby Langdon, Libby Interiors, Inc.: “Establishing a Connection - The Impression You Project Through Words, Visual Cues and Body Language” What do other people think when they look at you? What would you like them to think?

Carol Gregg, red egg: “Start Your Engines - Practical Advice on Your Business Start Up Idea” Is now the time to follow your dream? Have you already launched but find yourself stalled in the water?

Catherine Smoak, Jigsaw Solutions: “What Should I Charge Them? Creative Ideas on Structuring Client Fees In a Down Economy” Have you heard that lowering your fees now makes you look desperate? Do you feel compelled to lower them to show you understand your clients’ current condition? What should you do?

Curbside mentoring is available on a first sign-up basis, along with conference registration, at www.withit.org. Meetings will take place privately at an assigned time and individuals will be notified prior to the event.

“WithIt membership surveys indicate that mentoring is one of things women want most,” said Liz O’Brien, 2009 president. “Our new program gives conference attendees a unique opportunity to access some of the powerhouse leaders in our industry.”

“The cost is a great value,” added O’Brien. “Thanks to our volunteer corps of leaders, all proceeds go towards the organization’s initiatives which support and help to develop female professionals who will be future influencers.”

WithIt’s annual professional conference is the top-ranked benefit among its members.

WithIt is the premiere international organization dedicated to the support and development of female professionals in the home industries. Sara Lyke is executive director and may be reached at 336-880-2188, or, director@withit.org.