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Top 100 Furniture Retailer, C.S. Wo Goes Live With Vision R8

Furniture World Magazine


STORIS Management Systems, a leading supplier of Business Solutions and Services for Big Ticket retailers, is proud to announce that Top 100 furniture retailer, C.S. Wo, has completed a successful migration to STORIS and is now processing live on the system. C.S. Wo recently entered into an agreement to utilize STORIS’ robust Vision R8 Retail Solution for its 17 locations in Hawaii and California.

“This conversion brings tremendous benefits to C.S. Wo as they are now able to take advantage of the added power and features of the Vision R8 solution. STORIS allows our clients to concentrate on their business knowing that their internal operations are managed by the foremost system for big ticket retailers, backed by the top professional services staff in the industry”, stated COO of STORIS, Doug Culmone.

This industry leading furniture retailer can now benefit from STORIS’ advanced business intelligence processes and superior inventory management. In regards to the C.S. Wo’s transition process, Ed Nakano, Vice President of Finance, commented, “We were impressed with the support and guidance we received from the STORIS staff throughout the implementation, and we are excited about the future of our partnership with them.”  

In addition to the robust Core Products, C.S. Wo has chosen several dynamic Companion Products including: Executive Information System, Executive Dashboard, SQL Server Data Warehouse Business Intelligence platform, Integrated 3rd Party Finance Electronic Payment Processing, eSTORIS B2C integrated eCommerce platform, Advanced Warehouse Management, InTouch CRM, Mobile Vision WiFi Technology, Business Analysis Reporting, and much more.

Culmone concluded, “Vision R8 includes tools that enable the C.S. Wo team to easily navigate and access information in a more organized and user-friendly format. Furthermore, executive management has greater flexibility to monitor business trends and daily activity in a real-time format utilizing our business intelligence tools.”

About Vision R8  
STORIS’ Vision R8 provides a single, common view across orders, products, and inventory, enabling better customer order fulfillment, and complete control over the retailer’s business. STORIS Management Systems is a leading IBM Business Partner that provides Retail Software Solutions and World-Class Services to Big Ticket retailers worldwide to integrate operations, streamline processes and help retailers outperform the competition.