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New Rep Group Specializes In Drop Shipped Products

Furniture World Magazine


Continents Apart, LLC, a new rep group announced that it has opened for business billing itself as, “The first rep group specializing in drop shipping for home and garden products.” They additionally will serve manufacturers, importers & wholesalers wanting to offer a drop ship program as consultants and serve as an Outsourced Strategic Sales Department for companies that need the service but not the in-house costs. 

According to 29 year industry veteran CEO Steven Husak, “Continents Apart already has several product lines lined up and numerous e-commerce and catalog retailers prepared to release our products.  We will be making several announcements over the next several weeks.  We have over 11000 skus in the pipeline scheduled to be released over the next nine months, and we are looking for more.  The greatest advantage we have is that with that many skus to offer in our category, we become a very important source to the retailer.”

Additional information can be obtained by emailing to info@ContinentsApart.com or phoning (310)301-4121.