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Retailers Invited To Participate In Analysis Of Impact Of Weather On Store Traffic, Closing Ratio, Staff Productivity And Other Factors.

Furniture World Magazine


Two major studies, and three new personnel at St. Michael Strategies, provide retailers with opportunities to improve their productivity through enhanced professional use of store traffic data collected through entry-installed motion detectors. Retailers are invited to participate in an analysis of the impact of weather on store traffic, closing ratio, staff productivity and other factors. The results of this study will allow users of St. Michael’s StoreMaster II to forecast future traffic and sales with much higher accuracy. A second study will take a scientific look at anecdotal evidence that more precise staffing, based on accurate traffic counts and forecasts, reduces shrinkage substantially. Pursuing this analysis will be Frédérick Gendron, a university criminology student who will spend four months interning with St. Michael for this purpose. He will scrutinize traffic databases and shrinkage figures from a wide variety of stores in Canada and the U.S. to determine the statistical correlation between them. Augmenting the continued improvement in St. Michael Strategies’ service to its customers is the employment fulltime of Richard Cosetti, an Application Service Program developer and graphic artist. Richard has been working on StoreMaster II as a part-time student and will continue to ensure its development as the premier software for turning retail traffic and related data into actionable information. In addition, Keith Bagley has taken responsibility as Director of Marketing. Keith is a former marketing manager, retailer, and an account manager with Bunyar Malenfant International. As a department store manager, store owner, management consultant, and with BMI, Keith has impressive experience with traffic counting and closing ratio improvement. He will be providing operational support and tools to help retailers activate effective use of traffic data. For further information, contact St. Michael Strategies at (450) 658-5148, ext. 242, or sales@storetraffic.com, or see www.storetraffic.com. 701 Salaberry, Chambly Quebec J3L 1R2 Canada Phone: (450) 658-5148 Ext. 242 Fax: (450) 658-7764 e-mail: sales@storetraffic.com Web: www.storetraffic.com