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Furniture Industry Data Exchange Adopts Custom Purchase Order Standards

Furniture World Magazine


The Executive Committee of the Furniture Industry Data Exchange organization (FIDX) has adopted the proposed XML Custom Purchase Order standards which were unanimously supported by a working group of information technology professionals from retail, manufacturing, and software companies led by Ron Martel of Micro*D. The standards are based on schemas developed by the GCI (Global Commerce Initiative) organization which is sponsored by 40 of the top international retailers for consumer products. The purchase order standards adopted by FIDX will support custom orders which are essential for upholstery product orders. Case goods orders are more readily accommodated by the original simple purchase order. The XML Custom Purchase Order standards will be presented to the Uniform Code Council and the Global Commerce Initiative for acceptance as a standard for the home furnishings industry. FIDX Executive Committee members include Jeff Baker of Carl's Furniture, serving as Vice Chairman Retailing; Douglas Brackett, Executive Vice President of the American Furniture Manufacturers Association; Andy Counts, Vice President of the American Furniture Manufacturers Association; Steve DeHaan, Executive Vice President of the National Home Furnishings Association; Talmage Fish, Vice President, Information Systems of Hooker Furniture, serving as Vice Chairman Manufacturing; and Mary Frye, President of the Home Furnishings International Association, serving as Chairperson of FIDX.