Joining Sandy Dant (second from right) on the IHFRA Executive Committee are Ed Myers, Tri-State Home Furnishings Association, Chairman of the Board; Mark Scharff, Metropolitan Furniture Association of New Jersey (center), first vice-president; Mike Root, IHFRA member-at-large, second vice-president; and Christopher DeLisa, Greater New York Home Furnishings Association, secretary/treasurer (right).
Sandy Dant of the Home Furnishings Representatives Guild of Southern California has been elected the 72nd President of the International Home Furnishings Representatives Association.
IHFRA chose its 2010-2011 slate of officers during its annual Board of Directors meeting in High Point earlier this month.
Dant has been a member of IHFRA since 2000 and served as President of HFRG of Southern California from 2001 – 2002 and also served as liaison between HFRG of Southern California and California Furniture Manufacturing Association those same years. Sandy received the Dean of IHFRA in 2001 as well as her CHR (Certified Home furnishings Representative) certification. She joined IHFRA’s Executive Committee in 2007 and has gone through the chairs until accepting her current position as President of IHFRA in 2010.
In 1986 Sandy started her career as a sales representative selling rattan furniture. In 1990 she started selling contemporary upholstery for Jackson of Danville. She has received numerous awards including an achievement award from JD Originals as well as salesman of the year for Carson’s of High Point.
In 2005 her career diversified by adding furniture transportation services to both retailers and manufacturers. Currently Sandy is a multi-line representative for Furniture Transport Group and Signature Designers Rugs.
Sandy’s involvement with City of Hope includes co-chairman of the City of Hope West Coast Committee for the Furniture Industry and member of the National Home Furnishings Board for City of Hope.
Joining Sandy Dant on the IHFRA Executive Committee are Ed Myers, Tri-State Home Furnishings Association, Chairman of the Board; Mark Scharff, Metropolitan Furniture Association of New Jersey, first vice-president; Mike Root, IHFRA member-at-large, second vice-president; and Christopher DeLisa, Greater New York Home Furnishings Association, secretary/treasurer.
IHFRA Executive Committee will be sworn in at the IHFRA Presidential Gala on Friday, April 16 at the IHFC Ballroom. For more information contact IHFRA at 336-889-3920 or e-mail ihfra@ihfra.org.