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Kincaid Gallery Openings:

Furniture World Magazine


Ramsower-Hembree grand opens Kincaid Gallery: In a well attended Grand Opening, Ramsower-Hembree of Plainview, Texas made a forceful entry into the Solid Wood category with a 6,000 square foot Kincaid Gallery. Kincaid will be the gallery anchor in the 40,000 square foot store. Other major vendors include Hooker, Broyhill, and Pallisser. Kincaid Gallery opens in Orange Connecticut: North Carolina Furniture grand opened a 6,100 square foot Kincaid Solid Wood Gallery in their 36,000 square foot Orange Connecticut store. On hand for the ribbon cutting left to right are Kincaid District Sales Manager Stan Margolis and operators Vance and Heith Grant. North Carolina Furniture features Lane and Broyhill galleries in addition to Kincaid. Other major resources include Sealy.