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Best Brings New Look to Web Site

Furniture World Magazine


In an effort to better showcase products for consumers and allow dealers to become more interactive, Best Home Furnishings has revamped its web site with a new look and additional resources. “From a consumer standpoint, we feel our new web site layout allows for easier navigation and a smoother way of viewing our complete product line than what has been done in the past,” says Brian Lange, vice president of Sales & Marketing. “All products are broken up into categories and sub categories with an easy-to-use horizontal scroll bar for the product catalog.” Features and benefits of each product category are displayed in quick, easy-to-understand models and a comprehensive breakdown of the company's history allow consumers easy access to information regarding Best Home Furnishings' products. “We want our end customers to have all the knowledge they need about our products before making an important buying decision,” says Lange. “Showing them the quality construction of our products, and giving an overview of our company's history gives credibility to the furniture we manufacture." Not only will end customers benefit from the new web site, but many features such as sales tracking and Best Home Furnishings' news items will be available for the dealers as well. Retailers who request access to the dealer services section, a password protected site, will have the ability to view recent sales history, keep accurate count of current orders, receive bill of ladings, and know when orders of furniture or parts have been received, manufactured and shipped. They will also have carrier information for their particular shipments. Best Home Furnishings, formerly known as Best Chairs, is a forty-two year old upholstered furniture manufacturer. With facilities in five Southern Indiana locations and over 1000 employees, Best Home Furnishings is a leader in the production of chairs, recliners, glide rockers, office chairs, motion sofas and stationary sofas. Best Home Furnishings' web site can be viewed at www.BestHomeFurnishings.com.