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New Simmons Commercial Is Bad To The Bone

Furniture World Magazine


The cameras are rolling again at Simmons Company. Marking another milestone, Simmons Company will introduce its first BackCare television commercial at San Francisco Market, and in typical Simmons fashion, the company is pioneering another marketing initiative for the industry. Created and produced by Simmons' advertising agency, WestWayne Advertising, the Simmons BackCare TV spot represents the pinnacle of the enhanced brand positioning Simmons has carefully orchestrated since BackCare's inception more than two years ago. Rather than touting BackCare in the typical bedroom scenario, the company elected to use a unique concept that mirrors the product's uncommon story. The brand's distinction, providing five zones of comfort and support to match the five zones of the human anatomy, is cleverly showcased in the TV spot through the use of computer animation, an unconventional method for the home furnishings industry. "We're very proud and excited about the new Simmons BackCare TV spot," said Don Hofmann, Simmons Vice President of Advertising. "We looked at multiple ways to showcase the brand's unrivaled benefits and features, ways that would stand out from the flood of mattress commercials cluttering the air waves. This spot achieves the company's mission to produce effective and innovative marketing initiatives that don't follow the pack but rather create a path for others to follow." For more information E-Mail Simmons at: advertising@simmonsco.com