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Toms-Price Upgrades to STORIS' Vision R8

Furniture World Magazine


STORIS Management Systems, a leading supplier of Retail Solutions and Services for Big Ticket retailers, announced that Toms-Price Home Furnishings has successfully upgraded their STORIS system to the Vision R8 platform.

John Troller, CFO at Toms-Price Home Furnishings discusses the problem-free transition.
“The conversion from Release 7 to the current Vision R8 version was a very smooth process. In addition to STORIS preparation procedures, we had a Product Specialist come out for training about a month before the conversion, which put us ahead of the curve when we went live on the new release.” STORIS provides their clients with one-on-one interaction during their conversions to ensure an efficient process. Troller adds, “Having one main contact working directly with us was terrific. Any questions we had were answered quickly and if needed, we were able to change our company operations to step up to the new revision.”

Troller and the Toms-Price staff have become more efficient with the user-friendly release. “I’m pleased with how simple Vision R8 is to use. The Windows style is straightforward and allows us to navigate easily throughout the system. Additionally, Vision R8 security enhancements allow us to tailor the menus to each individual. Many of the enhancements have increased our efficiency and allowed us to do more with fewer personnel.”

Toms-Price is also taking advantage of the business benefits with STORIS products, including Data Warehouse and EIS Reporting. Troller states, “In my opinion, Data Warehouse and EIS are the two most important products of the STORIS system. The databases are the backbone of the STORIS system and these two products allow us to exploit the system’s power. We obtain sales and financial information instantaneously.” Another great product that helps Toms-Price run their business is RF Barcode. “We have been using RF Barcode since 2001 and it allows us to keep total control of our inventory on a real-time basis. We couldn’t operate without it!”

Lastly, Troller emphasizes the importance of staying up-to-date with the technology movement and maintaining a strong partnership with STORIS. “We have been partners with STORIS since 1997. They have always been very responsive to our needs. We’ve been able to utilize current technology without having to be the experts, enabling us to concentrate on running the business. Technology changes so rapidly and STORIS has been up to the challenge as they have kept pace with the technology revolution, which is easier said than done. They have given us some very powerful tools, allowing us to manage the business efficiently during very challenging economic times,” Troller concludes.
About Vision R8: Vision R8 provides the most comprehensive family of adaptive business applications for Big Ticket retailers. The Vision R8 retail solution provides best of breed features built for complete integration, unlimited scalability, and easy, secure processing. At the foundation of Vision R8 lies a real-time system that integrates all the essential aspects of retail operations, from Point of Sale, Customer Service, and Business Intelligence Analytics, to InTouch CRM, Financial Management, and eCommerce.  

STORIS Management Systems provides professional services and solutions to Big Ticket retailers. For over 20 years retailers worldwide have relied on STORIS to deliver the technology so they may outperform their competition.