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Trend Watcher Gale Steves Says Consumers Want Multitasking Furniture

Furniture World Magazine


Author Gale Steves

Author and home furnishings trend watcher Gale Steves conducted a seminar at the recent High Point show on how the struggling furniture industry can succeed in helping consumers economically “make their homes fit their lifestyles.”
“In this turbulent economy, people still want to live comfortably and more efficiently, and are especially attracted to multitasking furniture and home furnishings that demonstrably delivers more than esthetics,” she said. “This real consumer pent up demand opens significant opportunities for retailers, designers and realtors, who can literally open doors to sustainable business with adopting right-sizing techniques.”
In the seminar, Steves enumerated practical insights from her book, “Right-Sizing Your Home (
www.right-sizing.com),” and from years as editor-in-chief of Home magazine. She also added smart insights from interviewing thousands of consumers on ”using space more wisely.” 

Steves explained how designers and merchants can focus on the merits of multitasking furniture, especially with a variety of pieces featuring what she characterizes as “hidden assets” or special functions and storage areas for safe keeping valuables.
“Even though this terrible economy has convinced many people to remain in their homes and not sell, people I call the ‘improve-don’t move’ group, adopting a right-sizing perspective gives smart realtors a unique opportunity. They now have fresh ideas as they help their clients recognize that every house has more value if right-sizing underscores the sales discussion,” Steves said. “Right-sizing allows those home buyers a way to imagine greater space and function possibilities.”
Steves is also looking for “multitasking furniture” to feature in anews story she is writing about satisfying “real consumer needs.” 

In addition to her website, www.right-sizing.com, Steves maintains a Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Right-Sizing-Your-Home/102575219782552?ref=ts.