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aspenhome Uses Micro-Campaigns To Engage Consumers

Furniture World Magazine


aspenhome® announced that it has launched new interactive web pages help retailers attract consumers to their stores by giving consumers decorating tips and incentives to ignite their desire to purchase.

“Research shows that when consumers have a question the Internet is their number one resource to find their answers,” commented Renee Loper, aspenhome director of marketing communications. “Our goal for 2011 is to create micro-campaigns to educate consumers, help them find the answers to their questions and then direct them to retail to make their purchase. These micro-campaigns, available to our retailers, will provide fresh and relevant content on their websites. We also plan to promote the micro-campaigns online via social media, e-zines, and blogs.

The first in the series of micro-campaigns, 15 Tips To Get Your Guestroom Ready For Holiday Guests, http://www.aspenhome.net/CompanysComing, challenges consumers to find the 15 hidden decorating tips in the aspenhome Centennial bedroom scene while listening to festive music.  As the consumer scrolls over parts of the photo she can click on the areas that contain the tips.

“We had fun creating this interactive web page where consumers can find a variety of tips from pointing out the StoreCharge drawer in the nightstand to filling a stocking with bath accessories to make their guest’s stay more comfortable,” Loper continued. “Okay, now that I have just given you two tips, can you find 13 more?”

About aspenhome: aspenhome has evolved over the past 31 years from a small family owned home entertainment business based in Phoenix to a full line furniture company specializing in thoughtfully designed innovative products for the way people work, play and relax at home. Recognized as a resource for fashionable and functional family furniture, the aspenhome Pinnacle Award winning collections include bedroom, dining, home office, home entertainment, stationary and motion leather seating, and occasional furnishings. aspenhome is distributed by Furniture Values International, LLC and headquartered in Phoenix, AZ.