Gill Brothers Furniture reported that it gave the women of Munice an early Christmas gift this year – a mattress. Gill Brothers Furniture donated 20 percent of their profits to A Better Way of Munice, Ind. A Better Way provides shelter and services for victims of domestic violence.
“This has been so exciting,” said Christina Kelley, of A Better Way. “It’s definitely been a unique way to experience Christmas this year. To know that there are companies who care so much about our agency and the women we serve that they would do this…is says something about Gill Brothers and everyone else who helps us.”
In years past, Gill Brothers Furniture has donated 10 to 15 percent of their profits to local social service agencies. But this year they decided to do something different. When they noticed that they still had mattresses left over from last year, instead of throwing them out they decided to donate them to A Better Way.
“It feels good (to do this),” said Steve Gill. “We knew A Better Way would get these items to people who really need them. And they have.”
Kelley explained that some of the woman who received a mattress had been sleeping on beds with stains on them, mattresses with holes or slashes covered with tape. Now, these women will spend Christmas sleeping safely on a new, comfy mattress.
About Gill Brothers Furniture: Gill Brothers was founded in 1948 by James and John (Robert) Gill. The brothers, upon returning from World War II, formed a partnership that lasted until their retirement in 1991. Gill Brothers Furniture in Albany grew quickly in its first 34 years, and expanded in 1967, 1974, 1986, and 1994 to an operating facility of more than 26,000 square feet. In the spring of 2000, the business relocated to its current state-of-the-art 45,000 square-foot facility on McGalliard Road in Muncie. Gill Bros. Furniture is now the largest furniture retailer in East Central Indiana. January 2006 marked a new chapter in the company’s story with the opening of Gill Brothers Furniture in Anderson, Indiana. This second location offers over 27,000 square feet of beautiful displays. Located at 1406 E. 53rd Street, the store sets a new standard for home furnishings in the Anderson/Madison County marketplace. Gill Brothers Furniture is the largest furniture retailer in East Central Indiana, providing the highest quality furniture coupled with a long family tradition of excellence. For more information: www.gillbros.com.