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PROFITsystems Announces Employee Enrichment Program

Furniture World Magazine


PROFITsystems, Inc., a leading software provider for the home goods industry, has published its fall schedule of enrichment classes for their employees. The classes cover a wide variety of topics so that every employee should have at least a couple that they find interesting. “Being happy with your job and the company you work for isn’t just about wages. We try to have different activities that are fun for our employees or that help them better their lives.  These classes are our way of doing just that,” stated Shelley Parlin, COO of PROFITsystems.

Employees are encouraged to attend as many different classes as they would like.

PROFITsystems picks up the expense of any speakers involved and also allows the employee to participate “on the clock”. This ensures that they don’t have to choose between their wages and learning something that would be beneficial to them personally. Jeff Niskern, CEO relayed, “In the past we have offered a number of personal finance classes that have been extremely popular. With the economy the way it is, we wanted to dig deeper to find new ways to help our employees so we have expanded the topic range considerably.”

PROFITsystems’ employee enrichment fall schedule includes the following classes:

How to communicate with tact & professionalism:
What message are you sending? Avoid misleading verbal and written cues that interfere with clear, concise communication.  

Eat well. Live well.  A healthy way of life through nutrition.
Sometimes taking small steps lead to big differences. What you eat is one of them. Learn simple food tricks that can help maintain healthy weight, give you more energy, and keep you healthy.

Your money: Ain’t no sunshine when it’s gone.
This is all about your personal finances and how to create a stronger financial future. Discuss debt reduction, savings, investing, and protecting yourself from the economy.  Learn simple yet easy things that anyone can do that will prepare you for a happy and profitable future.

Are you interested in being a landlord?

Rental properties can be a great investment opportunity! Discuss whether or not being a landlord will work for you. Learn about getting a loan, how to manage the money, hiring someone to do repairs or do them yourself, and qualifying possible tenants. Real estate can be a great way to build your nest egg.

Protect yourself: Self defense class for women. 
Do you really know how to avoid trouble, and more important, how to protect yourself if the need arises?  Learn how to be safe when an incident occurs. 

Extreme couponing: How to save without that much effort.
Couponing only works if you know how to work the system. You need to be organized, know where to get what you need, and how to get the best value. Invest a little time each week to save big when you shop.

Create an eco-friendly life: simple things you can do at home to reduce your carbon footprint.
Everything from the way you shop to what you use to clean your home affects the environment.  You don’t have to be a hard core environmentalist to make small adjustments that will have a big impact. We will go over some easy ones that everyone can do.

Exercising while you work.
Learn easy and different ways to stretch and keep active while at work. It will keep you energized, make the day more interesting, and goes a long way toward personal wellness. 

PROFITsystems anticipates the classes being very popular. Most of their employees have registered for at least three or four classes, depending on their interests. “We anticipate being able to offer new classes each quarter. As many companies are cutting wages, benefits, or even employees, we want to go the other route. Our employees are highly trained and are valuable resources to both us and our clients. Offering these classes are a great way to boost moral and help us to keep our talent,” said Parlin. 

About PROFITsystems: PROFITsystems is a leading total solutions provider for the home and furniture industry. Key components of their retail solutions include enterprise software, consulting, performance groups, advanced education, group-buying freight programs, e-commerce, and human resources. PROFITsystems’ flagship product, PROFITprofessional, features real-time inventory management, customer relations management, and accounting systems. For additional information on PROFITsystems, please visit their website at: www.profitsystems.com.