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PROFITsystems Passes 600 Client Milestone

Furniture World Magazine


Brian McCarthy, President of PROFITsystems Inc., announced today that the company has just signed up its 600th retail furniture client. "This comes at a very special time for us, as this is our 100th year in business," said McCarthy. "Stark's Furniture, from which the very first version of PROFITsystem came, was started here in Colorado in 1897. Since devoting our efforts totally to the software in 1980, over 1800 stores have acquired the system." The company has client retailers all over North America and as far away as Guam, the Philippines, and New Zealand. "At our annual users' conference, held here in Colorado Springs last September, we were gratified to hear so many success stories," he continued. "Many of our clients are running really excellent operations-inventories under 15% of sales, turn rates of 5 and 6 times, and bottom-line operating profit of 10% and more. And that's really our objective-helping retailers to achieve superior profitability. Despite varying economic conditions across America, we've found that the most influential factors upon profitability are not external, they're internal. Retailers who demand excellence from their businesses (their staffs, their inventory, their floors, their warehouse and delivery operations) get it; those who try to run their businesses without having the proper information on a timely basis generally don't. It's as simple as that. The retail furniture business can be EXTREMELY profitable IF you have the information you need, and you take the proper action. Otherwise, the business is running you." For more information on PROFITsystems, e-mail them at: jeff@profitsystems.net