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Revolutionary New Software Helps To Eradicate Retail Bankruptcies

Furniture World Magazine


According to Out & Johnson a retail consulting firm, now every retailer can predict their financial future, even without any prior financial training or computer familiarity! This software can bethe "guardian angel" of retailers! The Basics How-To TrainerTM and The What-IfÖ? Financial Planner£™, are two revolutionary new CD-ROMs developed by RetailOwner.com (a division of Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC). Created specifically for independent retail owners, they enable retailers to prepare, like experts, integrated retail financial projectionsÖfor themselves, for their bankers, for their worried spouses! Now retailers never have to: Be without a projected cash flow Rely on accountants or bookkeepers for financial projections Find their inventory levels out of control Find themselves out of financial control! When you can see ahead, you don't drive off the cliff! The Planner automates what The Trainer teaches. It's that simple. And, due to Outcalt & Johnson's goal to "eradicate retail bankruptcies", this breakthrough software is offered at an amazingly low price of $259 for the set! Now, every retailer (or their buyers, or their store managers, or other key people!) can have this important tool to further ensure the success of their business. For further details, see www.RetailOwner.com, email editor@retailowner.com, or call (206) 623-3973.