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Homeseat.com Site simplifies online furniture shopping

Furniture World Magazine


Shopping for a new chair can now be done without actually leaving the comfort of your old chair, thanks to the Internet. However, just when consumers thought that point and click shopping couldn't get much more convenient, along comes a site that further simplifies the process for consumers. Homeseat.com now offers consumers a chance to shop around for new furniture on the Internet without visiting dozens of different sites in the process. The procedure is simple. A visitor to the site inputs exactly what they are looking for, including price range and furniture specifications. Then, usually within 24 hours, furniture merchants respond with e-mailed quotes tailored to the consumer's request. What differentiates Homeseat.com from similar sites is that site users are not bombarded with e-mails from furniture merchants ... the system filters responses, so that the consumer receives only a handful of quotes from retailers offering exactly what they are looking for. Another unique aspect of the system is that it is designed to accommodate both shoppers who want to buy their furniture online, and shoppers who want to buy the traditional way. Consumers can request quotes from retailers with a nationwide presence or from furniture stores in their immediate area. They don't have to go online to make the actual purchase ... they can use the information provided to make an informed decision and then go out in person and close the sale, if they so choose. The site is designed for shoppers of all forms of home seating and furniture, including sofas, baby chairs, and bedroom furniture. Pet furniture buyers can even visit the site for Fido and Fluffy's furniture needs. Homeseat.com is just one of several web sites owned and operated by Nexan Corporation. Similar sites, automotiveseat.com and commercialseat.com, offer quote services for buyers of automotive seating and commercial and office seating. Homeseat.com is powered by Respond Networks technology and can be reached at http://www.homeseat.com.