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Exportation Can't Be Done Without Competence

Furniture World Magazine


Businessman, director of Tuper Group and ex-mayor, Frank Bollmann is also the president of "Promosul" and the organizer of "Femac" 2000. He has an optimist opinion about the economic moment of São Bento do Sul and of the region. He says that the businessmen, more and more, are looking for the excellence on their business's administration. Bollmann also says that our town has good reasons to be the national furniture exporter center: "The exportation can't be done without competence". Because of that perspective he has a good prediction of the event that he is organizing and thinks that "Promosul" still can do a lot to promote the local economy. SBS Magazine – Sir, you became the president of "Promosul" with the aim of increasing the local economic events. What else can you do? Frank Bollmann – "Promosul" is still very new. The first fair was held in the end of 1996. We know that a lot of events only become solid after their fourth or fifth time. We realize that there are a lot of to do. Besides, the traditional furniture fairs in the brazilian market, next year we want to promote the first international furniture fair of São Bento do Sul, in partnership with "Abimóvel". "Promovel", from Apex (Agência Nacional de Exportação) – National Exportation Agency, managed by Pedro Paulo Pamplona and Fetep's director, can hold that fair. We are also looking for new events. This pavilion is available to the community. "Promosul"is a private non-profit-making foundation and the public administration is also one founder partner. We repeat: We are disposal at the community. The management and me were re-elected and we hope that this place be used in the best way. SBS Magazine – What's your valuation of the economic results that the events brought? Frank Bollmann – That's incalculable. If we analyze the first fair of 1996 and the follow ones, and if we ask the industry's owners that exposed their products, they will say that the repercussion is very good, specially because in that year, we faced some difficulties. Let's remember of 1996, we had a big recession. On the other hand, when an event is held there are always some people that complain for not getting good results on business. But, the majority has liked the good results. SBS Magazine – Every year São Bento do Sul consolidates its position. What's your opinion about the economic increase in our region, in the last years? Frank Bollmann – We have been seeing São Bento do Sul's furniture industry consolidation much more in the way that the businessmen analyze their industry. Some years ago there were good employees that left their jobs to have their own industries. Nowadays it is different. Either they work as businessmen and worry about the administration's nuances or they are out of it. So, we can realize more and more the professionalism of our businessmen. São Bento do Sul has good reasons to be the biggest furniture industry center and the biggest furniture exporter of the country. The exportation can't be incompetently done. Either you are competent and make what your importer wants or you are out of it. In the last months we have saw that the furniture exportation increased 30% over. That is happening because of the fall of the Real's value. Unfortunately, we are linked to foreign money, but it's part of the game. The increase of the exportation shows again that our businessmen are more and more competent. SBS Magazine – In your opinion, is the public administration, accomplishing its service, achieving new investments? It seems, nowadays, that the government of the state is more involved... Frank Bollmann – I would say that the municipal government has been helping a lot São Bento do Sul to consolidate itself as an industrial town. We know the municipal difficulties because when an industry wants establish itself here, it asks for land, earthwork, tax free, as in the past, it's very difficult. But all that we have seen up to now is very positive. I don't know the number of industries that were established here during this government, but they always had support. The mayor is making a good effort to get new investments, for example, "Frezite Ake". Talking about the government of the state, we have another big industry that wants to be established here. I realize that our mayor is worry because there are other towns as "Campo Alegre" and "Rio Negrinho" disputing the same industry. That's the same furniture industry worry, because this new industry is also a furniture manufacturer. It's very complicated. If it decides to stay in "Campo Alegre", specialist workers from São Bento do Sul will work there and our town will not receive the municipal tax. It will also happen if it be established in "Rio Negrinho". So, we have the businessmen of São Bento do Sul that also want to receive an incentive to increase their industries and, on the other side, we have the neighbor town's interest. It's very difficult. I wouldn't like to be the mayor at the moment. But I think the good sense will prevail and the mayor will convince the local businessmen that if this new industry doesn't choose São Bento do Sul, it will choose one of the two town's frontier. This industry would have our workers and our raw material, which means, our wood. So, we would loose three times: Jobs, taxes and all of this industry could bring. SBS Magazine – You are also the president of the commission that is organizing "Femac" fair, where the expectation is very good... Frank Bollmann – That's right. In the last time, in 1998, we had some empty stands. But, this year, we hope to sell 100% of them. In the beginning of this month we already reached 80% in sales. We hope to sell all the stands up to the event starts. SBS Magazine – International exhibitors already confirmed their presence. What's the expectation about the number of visitors? Frank Bollmann – Our projection of the visitation is about 20 thousand people who are linked with the furniture area. The average of the previous fairs was 13,5 thousand people. We had some strategies to reach that number of visitors. First of all, "Praxis Feiras e Congresso", from Blumenau, that is responsible for the organization of "Femac", mailed 120 thousand invitation cards to businessmen, shopkeepers, brazilian and foreign furniture industry's directors, mainly "Mercosul". The businessmen associated with "Sindusmobil" – (Sindicato das Indústrias da Construção e do Mobiliário) – Construction and Furniture Industry Labor Union, from São Bento do Sul, were invited to collaborate with the advertisement of the fair, attracting their suppliers to exhibit their products at the fair. That initiative is producing good results. SBS Magazine – The third "Femac" starts on June 20. What were the results of the previous ones? Frank Bollmann – We always had good results. We hope it again. We intend to become "Femac" more professional. So, we want to involve "Sindusmobil, Promovel (a programm of brazilian government to increase the furniture exportation) and Abimóvel". We want the collaboration of all these entities to get more exhibitors. SBS Magazine – The first "Madefer" and "Femac" are been held at the same time. What are the aims and the perspectives with the inclusion of this economic section? Frank Bollmann – Talking about "Femac" and "Madefer" – National Fair of Wood Betterment, we think the fairs will be linked. "Madefer" intends to bring primary industries. It means more reforestation, handle and administration of the wood cut, besides the incentive that the big reforestation industries receive, sawmill equipment and a wood betterment. But, I see that "Madefer" will be united with "Femac". SBS Magazine – Is it already possible to have a projection of the economy produced by the third "Femac"? Frank Bollmann – The expectation is excellent. But it's difficult to guess a number. We think it will be very good. **** FEMAC 2000 – jun, 20-24.