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Rosenblatt/Wilschek Re-Appointed To Director Seats Of Ther-A-Pedic International

Furniture World Magazine


Norman Rosenblatt, President/Owner, THER-A-PEDIC NEW ENGLAND and Kenneth Wilschek, President/Owner, THER-A-PEDIC OF THE GREAT LAKES were both unanimously re- elected to Board of Director seats by THER-A-PEDIC Shareholders at their recent meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mr. Rosenblatt was then re-appointed Board Chairman. This is the second consecutive term for both Mr. Rosenblatt and Mr. Wilschek. Also serving as Board Directors are Mr. Stuart Carlitz, THER-A-PEDIC NEW JERSEY, Mr. Jim Roby, THER-A-PEDIC ALABAMA, Mr. Joseph Roff, THER-A-PEDIC TEXAS and Mr. Jeffrey Sherman, TBER-A-PEDIC MIDWEST. Mr. Wilschek was also appointed as Chairman of THER-A-PEDIC INTERNATIONAL's Sales and Marketing Committee.