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Karel Exposition Management Anouncement New Tampa Furniture And Accessory Market

Furniture World Magazine


Karel Exposition Management, the nation's largest producer of regional furniture and accessory markets, has announced that it will be adding a Tampa Furniture and Accessory Market to the company's annual line up of regional furniture trade shows. The Tampa Furniture and Decorative Accessory Market will be held on March 1-2-3, 2003 at the Tampa Convention Center in downtown Tampa and will showcase the latest trends in furniture, lighting, bedding and accessories. "We decided to supplement our highly successful Orlando show with this new Tampa show because the region is extremely strong and buyers are requesting a second market as they cannot stock for an entire year," said Larry Karel, president of Karel Exposition Management. "We expect a very early sellout and space assignments will begin shortly, however, the response has been overwhelming to those who are already aware of it." According to Karel, the company is coming off of one of its best years ever. Based on the fact that there are long waiting lists for many of the firm's upcoming summer and winter shows and the fact that the company just turned 50 years old, something must be going right for Karel Exposition Management. The Orlando Furniture & Accessory Market is Karel's largest show and that show is increasing in size this year, from 1,300 to 1,500 exhibitor spaces, due to popular demand. This show will be held August 23-24-25, 2002, in Orlando, Fla. "Our regional furniture and accessory markets are located 'close to home,' so furniture buyers and store owners can drive to the show rather than get on a plane. Our markets are actually helping these retailers succeed in today's economy," notes Karel. We've had a string of successful shows and a significant increase in attendance and exhibitor participation. As a result, we're expanding the size of several of our most popular shows and adding a first-ever Tampa show to our 2003 line-up." Known by the unofficial title, "King of the Regional Furniture Markets," Karel has received numerous accolades from exhibitors that have appeared in his markets throughout the years. "Karel Expo does an amazing job of show management," says Keith Koenig, vice-president of South Florida-based City Furniture. "I am always amazed at the huge crowds Karel draws to its markets and the smooth, organized way i which all aspects of the business are managed." In addition to the summer Mid-Atlantic Furniture and Decorative Accessory Market to be held in Edison, NJ on August 4-5-6, 2002, Karel Exposition Management will be adding a Mid-Atlantic Holiday Show to its calendar, to be held November 10-11-12, 2002 in Edison, NJ. According to Karel, more than 400 exhibitor spaces have already been sold for that holiday show. Another sign of the firm's success is the expansion of Karel's November 24-25-26, 2002, show in Long Beach, California, which will have more than 800 exhibitor booths in two adjoining halls, compared with about 500 booths for the 2001 show. Based in Aventura, Florida, Karel Exposition Management is the nation's largest producer of regional furniture and decorative accessory markets. The company holds regional markets in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Orlando, Florida; Edison, New Jersey; Worcester, Massachusetts; Las Vegas, Nevada and Long Beach, California. For additional information, visit the Karel Expo website at www.kemexpo.com or call (305) 792-9990.