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Universal Shows, Inc. Invests In The New Seattle Interior Show

Furniture World Magazine


Universal Shows, Inc. (formerly Western Exhibitors, Inc.), announced that it has acquired 40 percent ownership in the new Seattle Interior Show produced by Salmon Bay Expositions of Seattle, Washington. The first event will be held October 31 through November 3, 2002 at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center in downtown Seattle. The Seattle Interior Show will be an annual event featuring magnificent interiors, commercial exhibits, educational displays and high-quality seminars showcased in over 100,000 square feet. The Show will be open to the public and will draw international, national and regional design professionals to this beautiful West Coast venue. Attendees will have the opportunity to view the work of some of the Northwest’s finest designers by viewing "Showcase Room" galleries and meet these professionals face to face. In addition, select design experts will use this event to display their work without constraints or limitations on their creativity—revealing their true potential for thousands to see first hand. "Universal Shows, Inc. and Salmon Bay Expositions have enjoyed a partnership in the 14 year-old San Francisco Flower & Garden Show since 1998. When we were presented with the business plan and show objectives for the Seattle Interior Show, it became an obvious investment for USI. While our actual ‘management involvement’ will be minimal, we look forward to sharing our expertise, contacts and appropriate exhibitor/attendee databases," said Mike Dean, President, Universal Shows, Inc. Salmon Bay Expositions has owned the Northwest Flower & Garden Show since 1989—and it has grown into one of Seattle’s most popular events to become the third largest garden show in North America. Salmon Bay acquired the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show in 1997, and it quickly became one of the top four flower and garden shows in the U.S. The new Seattle Interior Show will follow closely the upscale quality and design for which the flower and garden shows have become renowned. The October 31-November 3 event will feature hundreds of booths containing home furnishings, decorative accessories, bath fixtures, flooring, lighting, textiles and more. The Seattle Interior Show goals are three fold: (1) to provide an unparalleled opportunity to inspire and educate as well as present new ideas and product to the design-conscious public; (2) to gain recognition for the Northwest as a distinct, thriving and influential interior design community, and to draw attention to the Northwest’s unique interior design styles; and (3) to serve as an educational devise for attendees. To obtain more information about the Seattle Interior Show, call 206.789.5333 or log onto www.seattleinteriorshow.com.