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Oriental Weavers Sphinx Division Unveils The Chamomile, Sandalwood, And Rosewood

Furniture World Magazine


The Oriental Weavers Sphinx Division and Masterlooms successfully unveiled the IBIS Boutique Group at the first Atlanta International Rug Mart of 2000. In accordance with their motto "We don't follow the trends--we set them," the Sphinx Division displayed their innovative talents with the vibrant colors of their machine-made IBIS Boutique Group, featuring the distinct designs of Masterlooms. Debuting for IBIS, were the Chamomile, Sandalwood and Rosewood series, which fuses together "spice" tones in a myriad of designs. Chamomile - Combines 10 shades of muted earth and olive tones which are woven to create nine or 10 different colors to produce 11 distinct carpet designs in the series. The yarns used to produce these distinct carpets are pre-washed, dyed, and washed again before being placed on the loom. Sandalwood - Warm earth colors, deep olives, gold, plus black, teal and dark antique rust are juxtaposed in this series. The yarn is pre-washed, dyed twice, and washed again before being placed on the loom to create 10 different colors to create the 15 rugs in the series. Rosewood - Warm and cool colors come together to form 10 shades of muted tones and strong hues, such as burgundy, forest green, and black. Ten different colors are incorporated into each of the 13 carpets in the series. The yarn treatment process is the same as in the Chamomile series. The Chamomile, Sandalwood and Rosewood series are made using long fibers of 100% New Zealand virgin wool single pile, that is knotted at approximately 162 knots per inch, side-woven, with fringes extending from the actual weft lines of the carpet. The weft line is cotton, with fringes knotted in a fine Persian knot that have a 1" finished salvage of flat woven, dyed cotton yarn. All are available in the following sizes: 5'3" x 7'9"; 8' x 10'; 9' x 12' beginning at a retail price of $999. Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Dalton, GA, Oriental Weavers Sphinx Division, was created to target consumers with more sophisticated tastes. On the cutting-edge of style and design, the company has built a worldwide reputation for some of the best styling and colorations available in machine-woven, value-priced rugs. For more information, call 1-800-832-8020 or visit www.owsphinx.com.