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San Francisco Mart Names New Board of Governors' Members

Furniture World Magazine


The San Francisco Mart announced additions to its Board of Governors: Larry Furiani of Coaster Co., Susan Morter of Shady Lady and Todd Lagner of Interiors. The purpose of the Board, which is comprised of 22 tenants who represent all categories of home furnishings and accessories, is to provide tenant feedback to help make the Mart a better place for manufacturers to show and buyers to shop. Returning board members are Irwin Allen of Michels & Co., Jim Anton of BenchCraft, Greg Beckman of Boyd Furniture, Mary Clara Capel of Capel, Inc., Tom Gates of Douglas Furniture, John Genova, Sr. of John Charles Designs, Greg Greenway of Klaussner of California, Dan Kush of Kushwood Manufacturing, Dave Lane of WHFA, Barry Lazar of Lazar Industries, Gil Martin of Martin Furniture, John McNeill of HFRA/Resource Associates, Larry Parnell of Oakwood Interiors/CFMA, Rick Powell of Powell Company, Jim Richardson of Richardson Brothers, Larry Rinaldi of Arbek Furniture, Gerald Sharlin of New Century Picture Corp., Chuck Vogel of Ashley Furniture, and Tom Yow of Creative Manufacturing.