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Record Exports Confirm Importance of Movelsul Brasil 2004

Furniture World Magazine


Brazil has never exported so much. Brazilian exports will hit an all-time high in September, according to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior), reaching US$7,280 billion a month. Compared with September 2002, manufactured goods, which account for 54% of Brazilian exports, will grow 21.6%. Among them, furniture will increase 23.9%. The principal markets are the United States, France, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Chile. This scenario should continue in the furniture sector, which has been reinforcing its efforts to reach external markets. This is one of the objectives of Movelsul Brasil 2004, Latin America's largest event in the industry, which will take place March 8-12 in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul. Organizers have participated in several international shows to promote Movelsul Brasil 2004 and increase the number of participating countries next year from 53 to 60. The event will welcome for the first time buyers from Russia and other Eastern European countries and the Middle East, two areas that have starting doing business with the nation's furniture industry. South Africa and countries from Northern Africa will also attend the event. This year, Movelsul Brasil 2004 had booths in furniture shows in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico, China, United States, Russia and the Middle East. "The extraordinary growth in exports made us even more enthusiastic about publicizing the show because we wanted to strengthen internal sales and increase our relations with external markets," said Gustavo Milan, director of international affairs of Movelsul Brasil 2004 and of Projeto Comprador, patrocinado pela APEX-Brasil - which will make it possible for representatives of all continents to visit the show and will bring 25 importers to the event. The director's expectations are mainly based on the analysis of the January-August 2003 period, when furniture exports exceeded US$430 million FOB, up more than 20% from last year, contributing to Brazil's trade balance surplus for August. Of total exports for the period, Rio Grande do Sul accounts for more than 25%, with US$110 million FOB. Movelsul Brasil 2004 is organized by Sindmoveis (Sindicato das Indústrias do Mobiliário de Bento Gonçalves). Entrepreneurs interested in visiting the show can e-mail internacional@movelsul.com.br and danielagiardin@movelsul.com.br or log onto www.movelsul.com.br