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IHFRA Announces Anniversary Membership Program

Furniture World Magazine


The International Home Furnishings Representatives Association announced the inauguration of their Anniversary Membership program. As of June 1998, membership dues are good for one full year from date of payment. In other words, members may renew dues at any time, and be paid for 12 months. This program differs from previous membership program where dues were automatically assessed December 31, regardless of payment date. The new program will allow chapters to recruit members 12 months a year, without penalizing participants for joining mid-year. Charles Ray, CHR, President, is excited about the opportunities that the program awards chapters and their members. "The program allows the chapters greater freedom in conducting membership drives and gives members more advantages over previous programs. It is now designed with the individual member in mind, rather than administrative responsibilities." "The new Anniversary Membership program enables IHFRA to be more responsive to the changes taking place in the industry," says William Holland, CHR, Member Benefits Chair. "We anticipate growing our membership by 15% as a result of the new membership opportunity." To learn more about the program, contact Elaine Burns at the IHFRA office, (336) 889-3920 e-mail: ihfra@aol.com