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AFMA Survey of Current Business

Furniture World Magazine


Beginning with the first quarter of 2000, the American Furniture Manufacturers Association will publish a new report in cooperation with Association Research, Inc. of Rockville, MD. The new quarterly report will be abbreviated, focusing on shipments, receivables and inventories. It will feature an expanded group of participating companies to provide an even broader base of industry product representation, Association Research, Inc. will be collecting historical data for 1999 from the new group of participating companies as well, Results from their analysis will be incorporated in he next edition of the AFMA Quarterly Economic Forecast. The December 1999 edition of the American Furniture Manufacturers Association's Survey of Current Business will be the last published by the Association in its present form, The final issue is provided to you. for comparative purposes utilizing the same sample of AFMA member companies who have submitted monthly data to the Association during calendar year 1999. The Association appreciates the participation of all the member companies who have supported the Survey through the years. The AFMA Statistics Committee devoted many hours over the past year to improving industry Information provided by the Association. We are grateful to Warren Lowder, The Lane Company, Committee Chairman, Doug Payne, Stanley Furniture; Martha VandeLeest, Richardson Industries; and Robin White, The Alan White Co., Inc. for their efforts on behalf of the AFMA.