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Business Trucking Web Site Updated With Monthly Articles

Furniture World Magazine


Business Trucking, the monthly journal of professional development for fleet managers published by the National Private Truck Council, now offers access to major feature stories and news articles each month on the World Wide Web site. They can be accessed by visiting either www.nptc.org or www.businesstrucking.com. "The goal is to provide fleet managers with another value-added tool to help them do their jobs better, said John A. McQuaid, NPTC president and chief executive officer and the publisher of Business Trucking. "This new Wet) site feature also will provide the public with Knowledge and insight about the challenges and opportunities facing those who manage our nation's supply chain." The focus of feature articles includes how e-commerce is reshaping distribution, driver and equipment management techniques, high tech innovations in trucK equipment and management software, logistics and leasing developments, now exemplary fleets are managed, and the ways that changing safety concerns and government regulations impact the Industry. The Web site for Business Trucking also provides information on a variety of advertising opportunities available, along with a form that qualified visitors can fill out to obtain free subscriptions to the respected industry trade magazine. 703-683-1300, ext. 218 sparkman@nptc.org