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Exhibitors Report Record Sales At Mid-Atlantic Furniture & Accessory Market

Furniture World Magazine


For exhibitors like Fred Farra of Michelangelo Designs, the Mid-Atlantic Furniture & Accessory Market held Feb. 6-8 in Edison, New Jersey, was a record-setting event. "This was the best show ever for our company by volume of attendees and quality of exhibitors," said Farra. "Our sales forces wrote orders for the next six months." Thomas "Chopper" Russo, Union City Mirrors & Tables/Union City Imports, agreed. "This show has been a great success," he said. "We have seen customers from Virginia to Massachusetts." The Mid-Atlantic market, produced by Karel Exposition Management, was a complete sell-out, including an additional 100-booth expansion area. "Many of our exhibitors reported record sales, which means the economy is in excellent condition," said Larry Karel, president. "Second-home sales are booming across the country, adding to strong demand for furniture and accessory products." Representatives from more than 2,000 stores from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other Mid-Atlantic states attended the three-day event at the New Jersey Convention Center. "it was wall-to-wall buyers," added Karel. Karel Exposition Management is producing the 37th Mid-Atlantic Furniture & Accessory Market on August 6-8, 2000, in the same location. "From all indications, the summer market may be even bigger," said Karel. "Because of the crowds, we plan to extend the hours on the first two days." In addition, the expansion pavilion -which housed nearly 100 booths in February - may be expanded for the summer market. One of the main exhibitors in that area plans to return to the same location. "Our return to the Karel Edison Market has been a pleasant surprise," said John Turano of Giovanni Turano (John Turano & Sons). "We have seen many of our existing customers, plus quite a few new dealers. We are definitely planning to return to the summer market." Founded in 1952, Karel Exposition Management, based in Aventura, Florida, is the nation's largest producer of regional furniture and accessory markets. In 2000, Karel Exposition Management will be holding seven more regional markets in Fort Lauderdale, FL; Las Vegas, NV; Edison, NJ; Orlando, FL; Fitchburg, MA; and Long Beach, CA. For information, call Karel Exposition Management at (305) 792-9990 or by fax at (305) 792-9898 or visit the website at www.kemexpo.com.