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Thomasville Ends Relationship with Mullen LHC Advertising

Furniture World Magazine


Thomasville Furniture Industries, Inc. today confirmed that it is ending its relationship with Mullen/LHC, which has handled the advertising for the Thomasville Furniture brand over the past eight years. The announcement was made by Jim Adams, Sr. Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Thomasville Furniture Industries. "We’ve had a productive relationship with Mullen/LHC, and we appreciate the fine work the agency has done with us," said Adams. "Our work together has resulted in some excellent advertising, most notably the national campaign supporting the Ernest Hemingway Collection®, which has been recognized by the American Marketing Association with an EFFIE Award. Our parting is an amicable one, as both Thomasville and the agency see ourselves moving in new directions regarding our approaches to the creative process." Thomasville has forwarded Requests for Proposals to a select list of advertising agencies in the Northeast and Southeast regions. Adams noted that Mullen/LHC will be working closely with Thomasville during the next 90 days to transition the account to a new agency partner. Thomasville Furniture Industries, Inc., a subsidiary of Furniture Brands International, Inc. (NYSE: FBN) is a full-line furniture manufacturer with over 135 Thomasville Home Furnishing stores, which carry only Thomasville products, and dedicated galleries in more than 400 leading independent retail furniture stores. For more information about Thomasville Furniture’s home furnishing offerings and store locations, please visit www.thomasville.com.