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Simmons' New Communication Tools Help Consumers Make Quality Decisions about Getting Quality Sleep

Furniture World Magazine


Simmons is making it its responsibility to cultivate retailers into sleep quality experts, arming its retailers with ammunition to bring the Better Sleep Through Science message home to consumers. Hot off the presses, Simmons unveiled a host of retail support materials, from brochures to pocket cards, designed to spark awareness and understanding of the importance of quality sleep to overall health. The new materials represent the first in a series of initiatives Simmons will undertake to demonstrate its commitment to communicating Better Sleep Through Science. "Our goal with these new materials is to make sleep quality relevant and important to the consumer," said Don Hofmann, Simmons vice president of advertising. "Most people aren't aware of the pervasiveness of sleep deprivation and some of the simple things they can do to overcome this problem -like replacing your mattress or changing your diet." Information included helps consumers understand why getting quality sleep should be a priority, not a dream. Lack of sleep currently plagues 132 million Americans, with 63 million labeled as chronically sleep deprived. Chances are, a majority of the consumers shopping for a mattress suffer from some degree of sleep deprivation. The Better Sleep Through Science materials invite retailers to discuss this issue with consumers and offer solutions to the problem. The new Better Sleep Through Science collateral materials include startling statistics and proprietary sleep research results that guide retailers and consumers to better understanding the repercussions of insufficient sleep and the benefits of achieving quality sleep. Better Sleep Through Science Guide - Designed to raise awareness of sleep quality, this brochure includes sleep tips from renowned sleep expert and Simmons' exclusive sleep consultant, Dr. James Maas. In addition, the guide outlines how Better Sleep Through Science is applied to Simmons' flagship brands, Beautyrest and BackCare, as well as tips on how to purchase a mattress to ensure optimal sleep. Simmons Beautyrest Brochure - Illustrates Beautyrest's unique Pocketed CoilTM technology and how pocketed coils help reduce partner movement in bed. The brochure also includes highlights from a recent sleep study that revealed partner movement disrupts a person's quality of sleep. Simmons BackCare Brochure - Communicates how a five-zoned sleep system like BackCare helps keep the spine in its natural alignment (or position of function) during sleeping hours by walking the reader through the bed's construction layer by layer. Better Sleep Through Science Pocket Card - Simmons highlights key information from its brochures in this six-fold pocket card. The card provides consumers with a snapshot of the importance of quality sleep and how Simmons products can help them achieve it. Sleep Tips Pocket Card -This card arms consumers with information to evaluate their personal sleep profile and ways to attain a higher quality of sleep. Maker of Beautyrest, BackCare and the Connoisseur Collection, Atlanta-based Simmons Company employs more than 2,500 people in 18 plants throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. For more information, consumers can visit Simmons' web site at http://www.simmons.com. Trade inquiries can be made through the simmons web area at furninfo.com/simmons.