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Simmons Reinforces Better Sleep Through Science Foundation

Furniture World Magazine


With a move sure to turn the mattress industry upside down, Simmons Company has signed an exclusive agreement with renowned author and sleep expert Dr. James Maas. Partnering with Simmons to educate consumers on the importance of quality sleep, Maas, notable sleep expert, distinguished speaker, frequent talk show guest and author of the New York Times best-seller Power Sleep, will strengthen Simmons' unparalleled, 75-year commitment to providing Better Sleep Through Science. "We've believed throughout the company's history that the application of scientific testing and principles will result in products that deliver quality sleep," said Zenon Nie, Simmons chairman and CEO. "Teaming with Maas, who has dedicated his professional life to helping the millions of Americans suffering from sleep deprivation attain quality sleep, validates that philosophy." Better Sleep Through Science is grounded in the fact Simmons Company's products help improve sleep quality through unrivaled research and scientific application. From Beautyrest's Pocketed CoilTM technology, to BackCare's five-zoned construction and medical industry support, Simmons has made scientific research a policy and practice in all of its products. The Price of Sleep Deprivation In the past few years, research has shown that sleep deprivation is not just an inconvenience, it's a pervasive issue with serious implications. According to sleep studies, millions of Americans unknowingly suffer from insufficient sleep, influencing their health and safety. Simmons' partnership with Dr. Maas aims at "waking up" Americans to the importance of quality sleep and how to make the most of their sleeping hours. Consider these alarming statistics: 31 percent of all drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel at least once; 100,000 car crashes, 71,000 injuries and 1,500 fatalities are caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel; Sleep deprivation costs $ 100 billion annually; 42 percent of adults suffer from Insomnia weekly, costing $30 billion annually in productivity, health and property-related accidents; Shift workers are 40 times more proned to be involved in accidents than day workers -- at work, on the highway and at home. "Getting sufficient, quality sleep is critical," said Dr. James Maas. "Working with a company that understands and embraces sleep quality education like Simmons will help deliver that message to the 63 million Americans who are sleep deprived." Simmons Company's commitment to Better Sleep Through Science is evident in its product development accomplishment and medical community support, such as: Pocketed Coil™ Technology - developed nearly 75 years ago, this patented technology is still the most advanced technology in the industry, introducing consumers to reduced transfer of motion in bed. Sleep Research - Simmons recently engaged in its first-ever scientific research to explore the effects of partner movement on sleep quality. The research confirms that motion on the partner's side disrupts sleep quality, decreasing the amount of time spent in valuable deep sleep (Delta sleep) National Foundation For Spinal Health (NFSH) -- BackCare's initial exposure to the health and medical field came from the unsolicited endorsement by the NFSH -- an organization created to champion the continued research of products and services to better the lives of health conscious and back pain suffering consumers. Simmons Company and NFSH convened 15 medical experts representing a cross section of medical disciplines to examine BackCare's design. Harvard University School of Public Health - Simmons announced its participation with the Harvard University School of Public Health. In this unprecedented relationship, Simmons BackCare will be studied by medical industry professionals from leading teaching institutions and hospitals to examine benefits delivered by the patented five-zoned sleep system. Dr. Maas has appeared on such programs as Oprah, The Today Show, NBC Nightly News and Good Morning America to discuss the importance of improving the quality of sleep and preparing the mind for peak performance. A student, professor and past chairman of Psychology at Cornell University, Dr. Maas has dedicated his career to researching and instructing the world on sleep and its importance on our everyday lives - from productivity to overall health. Maker of Beautyrest®, BackCare® and the Connoisseur Collection, Atlanta-based Simmons Company employs more than 2,500 people in 18 plants throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. For more information, consumers can visit Simmons' web site at http://www.simmonsco.com. Dr. James B. Maas is Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, Professor and past chairman of the Department of Psychology at Cornell University. He received his B.A. from Williams College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Cornell. He teaches introductory psychology to 1,500 students each year in the nation's largest single lecture class, and conducts research on the relationship between sleep and performance. Dr. Maas, one of the nation's most sought after corporate speakers, is a keynote presenter for several major organizations worldwide, including the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), the World Presidents Organization (WPO), the World Business Council (WBC), Holiday Inns, Bass, Hotels and Resorts, Mariott Corporation, IBM, Apple Computer, Eastman Kodak, PepsiCola, Caterpillar Tractor, Mutual Life of Canada, Pizza Hut International, S.C. Johnson Wax, MCL/United Artists, the Urban Land Institute, Seagrams, Simmons Company, BBC-TV and the American Society of Association Executives. Dr. Maas is also a noted filmmaker who has produced nine national television specials for PBS in this country, for the BBC in England, the CBC in Canada, and for Dutch, Danish and Swedish National Television. His films have won 42 major film festivals. Dr. Maas has held a Fulbright Senior Professorship to Sweden, has been a visiting professor at Stanford University and past-president of the American Psychological Association's Division on Teaching. He received the Clark Award for Distinguished Teaching at Cornell, and is the recipient of the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Maas is the author of the New York Times Business Best Seller, Power Sleep: The Revolutionary Program That Prepares Your Mind for Peak Performance, published by Random House and HarperCollins. He makes frequent television appearances on such programs as NBC Nightly News, Prime Time Live, Today, Good Morning America, ABCs 20120, and Oprah.