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ASFD Publishes Membership Directory and Distributes Free CD of Pinnacle Award Winners.

Furniture World Magazine


The American Society of Furniture Designers has published its 1999 membership directory which includes all members listed both alphabetically and geographically with addresses, telephone numbers, pictures, biographical sketches and a designer product category table which shows designers listed by specialty of interest. ASFD's current and past officers of the organization, honorary members and award recipients, membership requirements, bylaws, and code of ethics are also included in the 50-page directory. The directory is free to members and can be purchased by non-members by sending a check for $75.00 payable and addressed to ASFD, 144 Woodland Drive, New London, NC 28127. The American Society of Furniture Designers (ASFD) is distributing free 1998 Pinnacle Press Book/CDs. The CD contains 118 full color pages describing the 1998 Pinnacle Awards Program including high resolution PhotoCD images of the winners and finalists, along with their designer and manufacturer profiles. The press book is in Adobe Acrobat 3 format and can be viewed and printed on any Macintosh or Windows computer. Acrobat Reader 3.0 is included on the CD along with easy installation instructions. The purpose of the annual Pinnacle Awards is to promote better quality and to encourage the recognition of furniture designers within the retail home furnishing industry. Category sponsors of the awards included Hafele America, Laminating Materials Association, Leggett and Platt, Lilly Industries, The October Company, Wilsonart International and UDM Magazine.To get your free CD, contact ASFD headquarters at 910/576-1273, Fax 910/576-1573; or Email: asfd@ac.net ASFD is a non-profit organization which was founded in 1981. It is the only nation-wide association for furniture designers, whose purpose is to advance and improve the profession of furniture design. With 170 members, it includes professional designers, corporate suppliers of products and services, teachers and students; and those who provide creative and other services to the furniture industry. For more information contact: Christine Evans, Executive Director American Society of Furniture Designers,144 Woodland Drive, New London, N.C. 28127, Tel. (910) 576-1273; Fax (910) 576-1573 or go to the ASFD web area at furninfo.com/asfd.