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Art Van Elslander Named NHFA Retailer of the Year

Furniture World Magazine


Art Van Elslander, chairman and CEO of Art Van Furniture, is National Home Furnishings Association's 1998 Retailer of the Year. The Warren, Mich.-based company is the nation's ninth largest home furnishings retailer. NHFA will honor Van Elslander at a Furniture Industry Awards Gala on April 23 in the Ballroom at the International Home Furnishings Center, High Point. The annual awards celebration is produced by NHFA, the International Home Furnishings Representatives Association (IHFRA) which confers its "Distinguished Service Award" and "Pillar of the Industry" the same evening, and the International Home Furnishings Center. Van Elslander's career spans almost 40 years in the home furnishings industry. He opened his first store, a 4,000 square-foot unit, in 1959. The family-owned business now operates 26 stores throughout Michigan and is the state's largest home furnishings retailer, commanding 35 percent of the market and employing 2,700 people. According to NHFA President Jim Cerza, Heilig-Meyers, Richmond, Va., who made the Retailer of the Year announcement, Van Elslander is being cited for outstanding leadership performance in three areas: contributions to the industry; community service; and personal business achievements and leadership of his own company. The NHFA president serves on the Retailer of the Year selection committee along with the NHFA chairman, a sponsoring manufacturer, an industry supplier, a past recipient of the award, a principal of IHFRA and a representative of the home furnishings industry press. NHFA's 1998 Retailer of the Year was named 1997 Michigan Retailer of the Year by the Home Furnishings Representatives of Michigan. Last year, he also received the National Buyer Appreciation award from the Tupelo Furniture Marketing Association. Company achievements during 1997 included the opening of three new stores and remodeling and expansion of five units. Expansion plans call for two new units this year. The Interior Furnishings and Design division of the national Anti-Defamation League has selected Van Elslander as recipient of its 1998 Man of Achievement award. Van Elslander's community service ranges from support of the Detroit Zoo to help for the needy in the company's market area. For example, "A Christmas For All" program in 1995 and 1996 provided a complete Christmas dinner and toys for the children of needy families. The first event, totally coordinated by Art Van employees, was attended by 7,500 people, and 15,000 were served the following year. Active in his church, Van Elslander is an Extraordinary Minister and currently is chairman of the St. Vincent DePaul capital campaign to raise funds to replace a warehouse destroyed by fire. Wife Mary Ann shares in activities on behalf of the church, civic groups, and the arts. The pair has been honored by Angel's Place, the Michigan Cancer Foundation, the Goodfellows, Catholic Youth Organization and the Michigan Patrons of the Arts. The Van Elslanders have 10 children and 26 grandchildren. The NHFA/IHFRA Furniture Industry Awards Gala is a by-invitation-only event.